A RF story about a girl who has an amazing idea on creating the "most magnificent thing" ever. She knows exactly how she thinks it's going to look, but ends up failing and wants to give up. Instead her dog convinces her to take a break and she comes back to it. A lesson students can learn from, with mathematic's & technology. #UCFLAE3414SU17http://www.kidscanpress.com/sites/default/files/products/assets/MostMagnificentThingThe_2177_teaching_2.pdf
Elizabethhunt96 Awwww the lesson is so cute! This seems like a really great book to include in a library. 8y
gracemccleskey This book and the lesson plan look very interesting! 8y
DrSpalding Super STEAM book to include in your classroom library! Failing is part of the learning process. Understanding this at a young age can help students push through challenges. 8y