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Alex and Eliza: A Love Story | Melissa de la Cruz

I really enjoyed this book! I had previous knowledge of this story after watching Hamilton, but I loved seeing it through another person's interpretation. It does make me wonder how many creative liberties were taken in reference to real life events. The book does foster the desire to seek out those sort of answers, but I cant help but wonder how much misinformation is spread! Regardless, it was a cute and interesting story. #UCFSSEALEXANDELIZA

Alex and Eliza: A Love Story | Melissa de la Cruz

Something about his book was very interesting. I don't know if it was knowing about the characters previous but it was interesting to read about a love story of the Famous Alexander Hamilton and how he met his wife Eliza and the long journey of when they first meet all the way to the days leading to their wedding. I am so hooked on the book and can't get enough now and need to know what else happen in this story. #ucfssealexandeliza

Alex and Eliza: A Love Story | Melissa de la Cruz

I am currently reading this book and I am personally not that great at history, but the book does a really great job at putting the accounts into details that are easy to understand. What I like most is that you do not necessarily have to remember each historical event from the “textbook“. So far I am really liking this book and the Eliza is easy to relate to which is helpful. #UCFSSEALEXANDELIZA

Alex and Eliza: A Love Story | Melissa de la Cruz

I absolutely loved this book. I had been a fan of Hamilton for a few years, but this book was so much more. I found it romantic and suspenseful, but it still had a certain spunk to it. It wasn‘t boring to read as I feared it would be. I actually read half the book in one sitting because I couldn‘t get myself to put it down. Overall a great book that I highly suggest to anyone who loves a history driven romance. 10/10. #ucfssealexandeliza

Alex and Eliza: A Love Story | Melissa de la Cruz

This book was everything that it promised and more. Not once did it lull for me and I found myself wanting to read it more that sleeping!

jvillafuerte1 #UCFSSEALEXANDELIZA I LOVED this book! When the semester is over I plan to read the other 2 books in the series that follow this one. I really want to see the play Hamilton now as well. Escaping into the witty banter and well described late 1770's time period of the revolutionary war has been a treat. The Georgian period etiquette was fun to experience through the different characters in the book. 5y
jvillafuerte1 #UCFSSEALEXANDELIZA I connect more to Eliza the most myself with her practical attitude and simple nature that loves to be outside, but loved the description of what foods were served at parties based on access, the styles coming from Europe, and the fabrics that made the extravagant clothes. The rich vocabulary made me relish the historical literature connections with words like plebeian, paramour, and perry. (edited) 5y
jvillafuerte1 #UCFSSEALEXANDELIZA This was an epic love story indeed where two people love each other for who they are and the gifts they have been given to use through a time of war and change. (edited) 5y
katiekeough #UCFSSALEXANDELIZA WOW!!! I loved this book! Admittedly, I was a little skeptical of the book before I started to read it. But now, I am positive that I will be finishing the series. I loved how Eliza's character was so independent and she seemed to make so many sacrifices for the sake of her family, even if it was at her own expense. However, I think my favorite part was Alex's heroism toward the end the end to defend Eliza from Henry. 5y
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Alex and Eliza: A Love Story | Melissa de la Cruz
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So excited about this book!! And I got it at a bargain at Books a Million!! #UCFSSEALEXANDELIZA

Ameyer32 I purchased it on Amazon for twice the price! 5y
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Alex & Eliza: A Love Story | Melissa de la Cruz
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#UCFSSEALEXANDELIZA If you‘re new to Litsy simply refer back to this post or the hashtag above to see what we are saying about the book. If you post, you just use the hashtag so that we can see what you‘ve said. You should follow each member once they post. We will formally begin on Monday, January 20th.

jvillafuerte1 Reading and almost finished! This is an amazing book so far!!! (edited) 5y
CherylVDM @jvillafuerte1 It is a trilogy - I'd only read this one. I liked it because some of the places that they talk about are very close to where I grew up.
Brendahicks7 Yes, it‘s so good!! 5y
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Smurphy01 I am definitely enjoying the read and thankful that it's a good book. 5y
gracebielfelt I am six chapters in, and I am excited to see how this plays out... I am not super familiar with Alexander Hamilton‘s life so I‘m curious to see how accurate it is to history. :) 5y
Kbaby523 I'm so excited for this series! My sister is obsessed with Hamilton and told me this book is amazing. 5y
Msonia Great book almost finished reading it! 5y
SamFoc I was a bit late to start the book, but I am in love with it. I have read half of it in one sitting. 5y
Ameyer32 I find Eliza and her sisters to be much like me and my sisters. The personalities and the banter. It is quite funny! I am just 2 chapters in as I got a late start but hope to be at least 2 chapter 7 by the end of the night. Do any of you have sisters or close friends who remind you of the sisters in the book? (edited) 5y
patriciasmoot I'm just finishing up the book and I chose this book because I love a good romance and facing the choices between family obligations and love ❤️ is something I think almost everyone can relate to. 5y
gracebielfelt Just finished reading it this morning! I love the way the author incorporated the history of what was currently happening into their love story. The book held my attention, and I have even recommended it to a few people. I love the bond of the sisters; I am one of four girls in my family so I loved to see the similarities between the sisters in the book and my sisters. Great read! 5y
lmcmurrer Just finished reading! I liked the book, it is kind of similar to my all time favorite Gone With the Wind. Eliza and her sisters remind me of Scarlett and hers, only nicer. To be honest, I didn‘t think I was going to like it at all and that I would get bored but it turned out to be a great read! 5y
patriciasmoot I love a good love story, the conflict between love and family is something that surprisingly is more common then we might think. Nowadays people say that you marry the person and their family. But in the case of this love story Eliza and Alex faced so many obstacles in their love. Eliza's family had arranged a marriage of financial security for the family and Alex had obligations to the service as a soldier. I don't want to give away too much. 5y
CherylVDM I enjoyed reading it because I grew up in upstate NY in the capitol district. I have visited many of the places in the text. Quite a few are on the historic registry. I love that I was able to make connections between the text and my own experiences. 5y
Atnordin97 I just finished reading! This was a great book. I am usually so fascinated with Nicholas Sparks love stories, but I liked this one a lot better. I loved learning a little bit about Alexander Hamilton, because I did not know much about his history before. I think incorporating a love story with war, was interesting. The love story itself kind of reminded me of a mix between Romeo and Juliet, and Dear John. I may read the other books in this trilogy 5y
Smurphy01 @CherylVDM , that sounds like a great adventure! I love when one can see actual things from the story come to life. 5y
Smurphy01 I was actually really surprised when it was revealed in the book that Alexander had red hair. When I was reading, I imagined him with dark hair especially since he was born on a southern island. I would speculate the red hair came from his father whom was a Scot. 5y
CherylVDM @ATnordin97 I‘m thinking about reading the others in the trilogy too. I‘m wondering how the author will continue to weave history into the story. 5y
Fgomez16 @Ameyer32 Hey, yes I have a sister and reading this book reminds me so much of me and my sister also. 5y
Fgomez16 I am a little late and started to read the book 3 days ago and I have to say this book is really good. At first I felt I wasn't going to like it and now I cant put it down. 5y
Kristaladkison I am currently reading this book and I notice me trying to fact check the information to see how historically accurate it is. So far the background on Alexander Hamilton's life has been proved on other accounts. I am looking forward to see what else I will learn through this book. 5y
Smurphy01 It was really intriguing to hear how the inoculations were administered. I never knew that when they were first administered, they were done in such a way. I'm thankful for shots these days because getting inoculated by a rake-like fork, scoring across my wrist, does not sound pleasant in any way! 5y
Ameyer32 @Smurphy01 Right? This book is really telling us information about things that we take for granted nowadays. :) 5y
Kbaby523 I just finished the book! I am so looking forward to when “Love and War,“ as well as “All for One,“ comes in the mail! I love the way this love story is crafted!

I think one of my favorite scenes in the book is during Chapter 9 when Eliza succumbs to Alex's warmth while riding Hector into town. The visual from it reminded me of Anna curling up to Kristoff riding Sven in Disney's original movie Frozen.

Does anybody else have a favorite scene?
Msonia I really loved this book, I finished reading it a couple of days ago.!
Msonia @Ameyer32 Eliza's sisters remind me so much of my friends back in high school. 5y
Msonia Can't wait to read the rest of the trilogy! My favorite part has to be the prologue because you get what the story is going to be about, and also I love reading a good romance novel. 5y
Smurphy01 It was such a great read. I loved the historical aspects of it and the plot in between. I'll definitely be purchasing the set. 5y
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