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Little Bunny on the Move | Peter McCarty
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Life update: 2024 has been an incredibly exhausting & life altering year. My dad was hospitalized in January, was able to go back home, & then passed suddenly in early April. My husband was laid off in May. His company laid off about 700 scientists in his office. His entire group was cut (he does preclinical translational oncology research). I was waitlisted & then not offered a spot in the PhD program I applied to. So we are leaving the Boston &

ncsufoxes MA area in a few weeks after just 2 years here. We will be in NC for a few weeks with family & then moving to Fredrick, Maryland. My husband has been offered an amazing once in a lifetime opportunity (I‘ll share more once we‘re settled). So I‘m behind on reviews, reading & everything else. The year is taking a better turn but it has been a very emotional & trying first half of the year. We‘re hopeful for better things. (edited) 3h
Bookwormjillk I hope things start looking up for you, and I‘m sorry for the loss of your father. I‘ve heard good things about Fredrick. 3h
Read4life I‘m sorry to hear about your father, your husband‘s job & the PhD program. I hope things continue to look up for you. I love Frederick. We stop there on our way to visit my daughter at school in PA. 💙💙 2h
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Ruthiella Wow! That‘s a lot. Glad to hear good things are on the horizon now. ❤️ 2h
Deblovestoread I am so sorry for your loss and the upheaval of the first half of 2024. I hope the second half is full of peace and tranquility. 💜 2h
Chelsea.Poole That‘s so much. Best of luck to you with the move and new opportunities! 2h
Jas16 What a time you have had! I am so sorry for your loss and truly hope the second half of the year will be kinder. 24m
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My goal this year was to dedicate myself to reading down my unread books and not buy any books for the first half of the year. I didn‘t quite keep from buying books but 39 books off my TBR is really an accomplishment! Plus it‘s made me use the library even mor3 (which is always good). I‘m going to keep going to the end of the year. My new goal is 80 books from my TBR for 2024.

MaureenMc 👏👏👏 1d
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Pantone: Colors | Pantone
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Via @Lauredhel
It's time for the second half of #Pantone2024!
This time l've separated it into NY and London fashion week colours - see my other post - and l've again included the New Classics.
You can play bingo, go for a full card, just play for fun - whatever you like. Find a colour somewhere in the cover of whatever you're reading, and tag @lauredhel @BarbaraBB

Pantone: Colors | Pantone
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It's time for the second half of #Pantone2024 !
This time I've separated it into NY and London fashion week colours - see my other post - and I've again included the New Classics.

You can play bingo, go for a full card, just play for fun - whatever you like. 
Find a colour somewhere in the cover of whatever you're reading, and tag @lauredhel @BarbaraBB

Enjoy! @litsyevents

BarbaraBB Thanks for the tag! I am looking forward to it!! 2d
Lauredhel @BarbaraBB and don't forget the other half! 2d
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BarbaraBB Oops! You‘re right. This is just London! We should add them to Storygraph (edited) 2d
Lauredhel @BarbaraBB I'm pretty bad at storygraph, are you up to doing that? 1d
Lauredhel Also I commented tagging everyone I could find who had participated, but litsy ate it and I don't have a copy :( 1d
BarbaraBB I‘ll try and will keep you posted! 23h
PuddleJumper Ooo fun. Thanks for the tag! 22h
AmyG Thank you! 21h
peanutnine Thanks for the tag! I've been meaning to post my finds for the first set of colors 21h
Eggs Thanks for sharing this🥳🥰 21h
julieclair I have such fun with this! Thanks for the tag. 😀 15h
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Pantone: Colors | Pantone
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It's time for the second half of #Pantone2024 !
This time I've separated it into NY and London fashion week colours - see my other post - and I've again included the New Classics.

You can play bingo, go for a full card, just play for fun - whatever you like. 
Find a colour somewhere in the cover of whatever you're reading, and tag @lauredhel @BarbaraBB

Enjoy! @litsyevents

27 likes2 comments
Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo
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As someone whose middle name is Claire, this hits a little too close to home. 🤣

(From TheScribblerCMB on Twitter.)

Ruthiella 😂😂😂 1w
dabbe 😂😂😂 1w
LeahBergen 😆😆 1w
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Clare-Dragonfly 😅😅😅😅 1w
UwannaPublishme Love this! 🤣 7d
BiblioLitten Guilty! 😂😂 6d
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If I Was the Sunshine | Julie Fogliano
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#SummerSouls Day 23: There is an intimacy in Fogliano‘s verses here, with the constant “if you were.. and i was…” accompanied by such powerful imagery by Loren Long. It‘s like every page has a sigh, an exhalation, an unexpected gasp that tilts one‘s world a bit, allowing the reader to glimpse a different world of beauty, longing, and glowing #fireflies. My full review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-lU4

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 💙 2w
Eggs 🦜 🩷🌳 2w
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Pantone: Colors | Pantone
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Four more Pantone matches. Almost there!

Crazeedi Silent scream is the next book up for me 1mo
BarbaraBB @Crazeedi I am almost finished with it. It‘s entertaining 1mo
Crazeedi @BarbaraBB good to know 1mo
Crazeedi @BarbaraBB and where do I find the pantone prompts? 1mo
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The Summerfolk | Doris Burn
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1. The tagged is a children‘s book I read when I was a child.

2. I‘m supposed to go to Guam for work. Since I‘ll be there the whole month of July, it will be a kind of vacation. Other than that, I don‘t take vacation in the summer.

3. Movement - I started the Habit Nest‘s stretching daily journal & I am feeling better

Airykah13 I have one of the Habit Nest‘s strength programs. I‘ll have to check out their stretching program 1mo
wanderinglynn @Airykah13 I‘ve done 7 days so far & I like it. I expect to see some good improvements by the end of the program. 1mo
Eggs Enjoy Guam 🇬🇺 👌🏼👏🏻 1mo
wanderinglynn @Eggs thanks! 1mo
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Charlie the Choo-Choo | Beryl Evans
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My review of this book can be found on my YouTube Vlog at:



TheDaysGoBy That train is utterly terrifying 😂 2mo
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