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Junior high teacher📓Sourdough baker 📚Reader of #FellowshipofTolkien, #1001books, YA, MG, and more 📖https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/2408113-daisey
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Decline and Fall by Evelyn Waugh
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Complete Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle
The Road to Wherever | John Ed Bradley
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I read this book a couple years ago and remember enjoying the road trip aspect and the family dynamic, although I don‘t remember a lot of details. Eleven year old June spends the summer traveling with his adult cousins who are mechanics that restore old Fords.

#MiddleGrade #RoadTrip #MiddleGradeMonday

Karisimo Sounds great! Thanks for sharing! 4d
dabbe On the TBR! 🤩 3d
sblbooks Stacked 3d
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Decline and Fall | Evelyn Waugh
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I‘m enjoying some quiet with a book and an iced coffee in the hammock this morning. I‘ve barely made any time to read this book this month, so I‘m trying to make a bit of progress.

#1001books #HammockReading #BooksOnTheFarm

Tamra 😍 Bucolic heaven 5d
Daisey @Tamra It was pretty much a perfect morning! 4d
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This is a tough book for me to review, and I‘ve actually waited a few days thinking about it. It has some really interesting aspects in the way it‘s told by the son of a couple who were convicted and executed for conspiring to steal secrets for Russia. Yet, it was also complicated to follow as it jumped back and forth in time. Additionally, I wanted more of the sister‘s story.

#audiobook #1001books #Reading1001 #TBRTakedown July 2024

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💛 A storm blew down a large branch in my yard, but thankfully it caused minimal damage.
💛 My pets that I was happy to see again after a few days away.
💛 A visit with another friend from college while she was nearby for a conference.
💛 A lot of “steps” (actual and due to plenty of arm work) because, as Dad likes to remind me, farm work is good exercise.
💛 These fun and delicious Cookie Monster cookies that my niece made.


dabbe #lovelylist 🩵💙🩵 7d
DebinHawaii Wonderful list of joys! 💛💛💛 Yay for reuniting with fur babies & those cookies🍪 💙look amazing! Thanks for sharing & spreading the joy! 🤗 5d
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The Lions of Little Rock | Kristin Levine
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I saw the prompt yesterday but completely forgot to post any friendship story recommendations.

The Lions of Little Rock is both a wonderful story of friendship and an important historical fiction set in Little Rock, Arkansas in 1958.

The Unteachables is a fun book about a class of students that are considered unteachable, but come together as friends over the course of the story. It‘s also got plenty of humor.

#MiddleGrade #MiddleGradeMonday

Karisimo Both of these sound like great reads! 1w
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James: A Novel | Percival Everett
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I finished listening to James this week while visiting southeast Missouri, including a couple towns right along the Mississippi River, which made it hit just a bit harder. I enjoyed this book, and I also want to read it again after revisiting Huck Finn. I especially appreciated the emphasis on language.

*I received this audiobook through the Libro.fm Educator ALC program.

#CampLitsy24 #audiobook #Librofm #ALC

squirrelbrain Amazing that you were actually *there* while reading it! 2w
BarbaraBB Yes! What a place to read this book. Intense I think. 2w
Daisey @squirrelbrain @BarbaraBB It really was a great coincidence, and added some intensity to the scenes on the river (although it is a very different river than it was at that time). 2w
Tamra Memorable experience! 2w
youneverarrived Ah wow! 🩵 2w
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It‘s been a great week full of many joys!

💛 A day at Worlds of Fun riding roller coasters with my niece
💛 Wonderful family who take care of my pets while I‘m away from home
💛 Time visiting friends from college who I haven‘t seen in a few years
💛 Delicious food on my travels
💛 Exploring beautiful places in Missouri


DebinHawaii Wonderful list of joys! 💛💛💛 It sounds like a great week with family & friends! Thanks for sharing & for helping spread the joy! 🤗 2w
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Drum Roll, Please | Lisa Jenn Bigelow
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Today I‘ve got two book recommendations. I couldn‘t immediately think of one, so I asked my niece. She recommends Blended, for which I‘ve heard great reviews but not yet read myself. Isabella is a pianist.

Then, I considered my Goodreads shelf and remembered the tagged book in which Melly is a drummer and goes to a music summer camp.

#MiddleGrade #MiddleGradeMonday

TheBookHippie Blended is SO GOOD. My readers LOVE IT. 3w
Karisimo These are great! Thanks for sharing! 3w
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I think I can appreciate this first book more on a reread because I know how the character of Shardlake continues to develop through the series. I also really enjoy the variety of unique characters. I knew about Henry VIII‘s break with the pope to form the Church of England, but it wasn‘t until I read this series that I better understood the conflict this created. I thoroughly enjoyed this reread and am looking forward to continuing the series.

dabbe Yay! I'm thoroughly enjoying my reread, too! 🤩🤩🤩 3w
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Somehow I took few photos this week and completely lost track of Friday with the holiday.

💛 Always Luthien and the other pets! She had some goods days to run while I was home.
💛 Homemade sourdough tortillas and fresh garden vegetables for chicken fajitas & quesadillas
💛 Movie night with my nephew 🎥 🍿
💛 More time to read print books than I‘ve had recently 📖
💛 The beauty of the creek after a summer rain


kspenmoll 💛🧡 3w
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 3w
DebinHawaii Lovely joys! 💛💛💛The creek is so pretty & homemade tortillas, quesadillas & fajitas sound pretty amazing! 😋 Thanks for joining in & spreading the joy! 🤗 3w
48 likes3 comments
Bear: A Novel | Julia Phillips
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I managed to get on the hold list for this as soon as my library said they would be getting a copy, so I listened to it early. I enjoyed the descriptive writing, but I just kept waiting for Sam to give people more of a chance or more to happen until close to the end.

📷: I listened to part of this as I took a walk along the creek with Luthien this morning.

#audiobook #CampLitsy24

Graciouswarriorprincess I received an arc of it and am looking forward to reading it. 3w
Megabooks Gorgeous creek! I loved her debut, so I‘m hopeful about this, but I‘ll temper my expectations. 3w
Daisey @Graciouswarriorprincess @Megabooks @BarbaraBB It‘s hard for me to specify more clearly what I disliked without spoilers, but I tend to need characters I like or at least can relate to in a way. I had a really hard time with the character of Sam in this book. I‘m so curious to see more reviews. 3w
Graciouswarriorprincess @Daisey I can understand that about the characters as I am the same. 3w
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I enjoyed a little hammock reading with the pets this evening and looked up a few words from this book as I did. I really like the sound and meaning of this one.

susurration: (noun) whispering or rustling

#WeirdWords #WeirdWordWednesday #ShardlakeBR #ShardlakeSeriesBR #HammockReading

CBee Yes! Great word 😊😊 3w
dabbe That is such a good word--where the sound of the word means EXACTLY its definition! 🤩🤩🤩 3w
Tamra Nice 3w
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It‘s been a while since I read these, but I do remember really enjoying them. Someday I should reread them and finish the series.

#MiddleGradeMonday #MiddleGrade

Karisimo Nice pick! I read this way back too! It would be fun to revisit! 4w
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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My YA reads of All My Rage and Red Rising were clear favorites this month. I‘m also thoroughly enjoying my slow listen of the Complete Sherlock Holmes for #NoPlaceLikeHolmes.

#DoubleSpin 6 - Nada by Carmen Laforet

#BookSpinBingo #ReadingStats #MonthlyStats #DaiseysReadingSummary

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Fantastic month!! 4w
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All Fours | Miranda July
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This is one of those books that I finished because it was for Camp Litsy and also because I read to experience different world views from my own. I could appreciate pieces of it, such as open sourcing discussion about aspects of life that are seldom talked about, but overall it was not the book for me.

#audiobook #CampLitsy24

CarolynM I started this one today. I‘m kind of enjoying hating it😆 4w
Lesliereadsalot One of the most unlikeable characters ever. Still found it slightly thought provoking. Definitely not for everyone! 4w
Daisey @Lesliereadsalot You‘re exactly right. I disliked her and her character arc, but I also found aspects to think about and appreciate. 3w
Daisey @CarolynM I definitely think it will lead to some interesting discussion. 3w
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Sunday morning book & breakfast is Dissolution. I‘ve been so busy through June that I just got to read chapter 1 last night. I‘m so looking forward to rereading the early books and finishing the series.

#BookAndBreakfast #Reread #ShardlakeSeriesBR #ShardlakeBR

dabbe Yay! Lots of good comments this morning to come back to when you're ready! 🤩🤗😀 4w
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There has not been enough hammock time this summer, but today I finally got a bit with Gandalf for company. I found this book an interesting examination of character and commentary on aging alone, but it was a rather slow and melancholy read for me. I was glad that it ended with a bit of hopefulness.

#Reading1001 #TBRTakedown June 2024
#1001books #HammockReading

RaeLovesToRead Gandalf is a beauty 🥰🥰 4w
Ruthiella 😻😻😻 4w
Tamra Sweet! 😘 I‘m envious! I‘ve had little outside reading time as well. Been wet and too cool. 😢 4w
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jewright Gandalf looks happy! 4w
Melismatic Cutie! 😻 4w
dabbe #gloriousgandalf 🖤🐾🖤 4w
merelybookish That's one gorgeous face! 😻 4w
Daisey @RaeLovesToRead @Ruthiella @Tamra @jewright @Melismatic @dabbe @merelybookish Thanks all! Gandalf was pretty happy because he‘s also been getting very little attention lately. 4w
JazzFeathers 😻😻😻😻 3w
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💛 My dad adopted a dumped dog that we‘ve named Gwen, and she‘s a sweetheart.
💛 Luthien‘s joy in getting to run and explore also gives me joy.
💛 We‘ve baled over 9,000 square bales of hay & straw. The barns are full!
💛 I picked fresh blackberries this week!
💛 I spent some time with my niece & helped her move cows.


Tamra I love that side eye! 🤣👀 1mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🐾🖤 1mo
ShelleyBooksie Adorable doggos ♡♡♡ 4w
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Daisey @Tamra She‘s still kind of anxious, so the side eye when I was trying to get a photo seemed appropriate. It also makes me laugh. 4w
mabell I love all of this! 4w
DebinHawaii What a wonderful list of joys! 💛💛💛 Yay to your dad adopting the dog 🐶 & I love fresh blackberries! Thanks for joining in & helping spread joy! 🤗 4w
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I read a few more pages of Quartet in Autumn today while filling the overhead bin (upper right photo) and found this unfamiliar word. Apparently, Marcia is having a tin of sardines originally for the cat.

pilchard: a small, edible, commercially valuable marine fish of the herring family

#WeirdWords #WeirdWordWednesday #BooksOnTheFarm

Ruthiella I feel like people ate weird food in the 1950s…particularly in Barbara Pym novels but also just generally. 😬 Lots of canned food and things in aspic. 1mo
rwmg Same species apparently, but if it's longer than 6 inches it's a pilchard, 6 inches or less then it's a sardine. 1mo
Tamra I have this one stacked and I‘ve only heard good things about it! 1mo
Daisey @Tamra This one is not as engaging to me as Excellent Women, but I‘m still appreciating Pym‘s description of character. 1mo
Tamra @Daisey I want to get to that one too! 1mo
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Red Rising | Pierce Brown
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I read this book at the request of my teenage nephew, as it‘s his current favorite series. The story was good but also very violent. I liked the character of Darrow and some of the others, but the first person point of view means you only get to know the other characters from Darrow‘s perspective. I‘ll probably continue the series at some point for my nephew, but I don‘t feel compelled to immediately know what happens next.


currentlyreadinginCO Whew this series gets a lot better and grows up with the mc -- Dark Age & Light Bringer are all-time greats. Don't knock your nephew's taste 'til you finish 😉 1mo
Daisey @currentlyreadinginCO I did enjoy it, I‘m just not in a hurry to be in the middle of another series. Good to know it gets even better; maybe I‘ll pick up Golden Son sooner rather than later. 1mo
JazzFeathers I've heard lots of good things about this series and was considering whether to get it. Especially since it's just came out an omnibus here in Italy. 1mo
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This week I‘m choosing the Hometown Hunters series. These are short middle grade novels, each set in a fairly rural area with a focus on a hunting story. This also frequently means some outdoor adventure. They‘ve been great for some of my more reluctant readers who struggle to connect with many popular novels. I‘ve read some of this series and also have a fishing series by the same author.

#MiddleGrade #MiddleGradeMonday #MsDsLibrary

Karisimo Sounds interesting!! When were they published? 1mo
Daisey @Karisimo Looks like the first book of this series was published in 2012. (edited) 1mo
JazzFeathers Really? From the covers, l thought it was an older series. 1mo
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💛 I had fresh cucumbers from the garden.
💛 There are beautiful flowers this summer.
💛 The house is cool thanks to air conditioning when I come home from long days spent outside.
💛 A few things that could have become bad situations worked out without any catastrophes.
💛 We completed wheat harvest and have already put up a good amount of straw.


TheBookHippie Wowie!!! 1mo
Crazeedi Cukes already!! Lucky you!! Mine are growing. 1mo
DebinHawaii A wonderful list of joys! 💛💛💛 Garden fresh cucumbers are my favorite! 🥒💚 Thanks for sharing & spreading the joy! 🤗 1mo
Daisey @Crazeedi @DebinHawaii I actually love tomatoes the most, but these first cucumbers were so good! 1mo
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All My Rage | Sabaa Tahir
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This was an incredibly well told story of two Pakistani American teens and their families. Although the main story is when they‘re high school seniors, we learn a lot of family history for both. I felt many emotions while experiencing the lives of both Salahudin and Noor. They face some very difficult situations but come through with hope in the end.

#LitsyBookClub #YA #audiobook

Daisey 📷: We harvested wheat and started putting up straw this week, which means I‘ve been busy with very little reading or listening time. I finally managed to finish this book while running some farm errands this morning before we unloaded these loads of straw. #BooksOnTheFarm 1mo
BarbaraBB Great photo! The book sounds very good too. 1mo
Crazeedi So much work you have to do, I'm in awe 1mo
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Caryl I read this one recently with my book club. The audiobook was excellent! 1mo
JazzFeathers Sounds like something I'd like to read 😁 1mo
Daisey @Crazeedi It definitely makes for some tiring days! 1mo
Daisey @Caryl I agree! 1mo
Daisey @JazzFeathers It was really good, but it was also definitely YA. Lots of tough issues for teenagers. 1mo
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I completely forgot to post yesterday, but here are this week‘s joys!

💛 The creek is beautiful and the trees green after a rain.
💛 Luthien & my sister‘s dog Gracie get along well and love to play together.
💛 I made trail mix for easy snacking during long, busy farm days.
💛 I had some free time yesterday and picked up loaded teas for my nephew, niece, and myself.
💛 I love the peaceful morning view of the cows in the pasture.


kspenmoll Such lovely joys- 💕 1mo
Lesliereadsalot I could go for a loaded tea! 1mo
Ruthiella That‘s the cutest picture of Grace and Luthien! ❤️🐶❤️🐶❤️ 1mo
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dabbe 🖤🐾🐾🖤 1mo
Daisey @Lesliereadsalot They‘re a guilty pleasure for me. One drink should not cost that much, but I love them. 🥤 1mo
Daisey @Ruthiella @dabbe They make me smile every day. They have collars to keep them in the yard and sit there together watching and waiting as I walk up the driveway. 1mo
DebinHawaii I don‘t know how I missed your lovely joy list last week! 💛💛💛 Trail mix & loaded teas both sound pretty joyful! Thanks for sharing & spreading the joy! 🤗 1mo
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Butter: Roman | Asako Yuzuki
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I‘m giving this one a pick, but it‘s not an enthusiastic one. I really enjoyed the food aspects and the narrator‘s growth over the course of the story, but I wasn‘t really satisfied with the murder mystery aspect. I‘ll be curious to see the Camp Litsy discussion.

📷: I listened to quite a bit of this one around the farm and at home, including checking cows a couple days.

#audiobook #CampLitsy24 #BooksOnTheFarm

squirrelbrain I agree with your review - looking forward to the discussion. 1mo
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The Charlie Thorne series is fantastic. Charlie is a genius who works with members of the CIA. These are the first two books, the first includes information related to Albert Einstein and the second to Charles Darwin. The third relates to Cleopatra, and I haven‘t read the newest book yet.

#MiddleGrade #MiddleGradeMonday

Karisimo I‘ve read other Stuart Gibbs books but not these (yet)! Thanks for sharing! 2mo
Daisey @Karisimo I actually have a book or two of the Spy School series (which I guess also fit this prompt) in my class library, but I‘ve never read them. As much as I like Charlie Thorne, I really should try them. 2mo
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Red Rising | Pierce Brown
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Monday morning book & breakfast! My nephew has decided this series is his new favorite, so he said I had to start reading it. This first book has a bit of a slow start, but it‘s getting more interesting now.

#BookAndBreakfast #YA

TheBookHippie I love your bookmark! 2mo
Daisey @TheBookHippie These were a random back to school project one year. I collected all the tiny scraps from trimming around new poster pages, glued them on black, laminated the whole sheet, and then sliced it into bookmarks. 2mo
raeglenn Cute 💛 1mo
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💛 My greatest joy this week is putting in a full week of work on the family farm, and thanks to the weather I was able to ease into it a bit.
💛 I spent a lot of time working with my dad.
💛 Just look at those views of green with beautiful blue sky!
💛 I had some time with just my sister, which we don‘t get a lot of these days.
💛 As always, pets, both my own and my family‘s.


DebinHawaii A lovely list of joys & pretty pics! 💛💛💛Family time is so special! Thanks for sharing & spreading the joy! 🤗 2mo
kspenmoll Family time is the best! 1mo
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Complete Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan Doyle
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I‘ve been back to work on the family farm all week, mostly doing maintenance with my dad, and haven‘t listened to an audiobook since last Saturday. Today I did a bit of work around the sheds by myself and listened to “The Adventure of the Yellow Face.” I didn‘t remember this one at all, and appreciated the explanation of a story Sherlock didn‘t solve.

#BooksOnTheFarm #audiobook
#NoPlaceLikeHolmes #Sherlocked

Texreader The farm is so beautiful 2mo
Daisey @Texreader It really is right now! We‘ve been getting a good amount of rain so everything is so green and the corn is growing so quickly. 2mo
BarbaraBB That looks so romantic but it will be hard work! 2mo
Daisey @BarbaraBB Lol! Yeah, romantic is never the word I would use. I love a lot of it, but it is hard, dirty work. I commented the other day to a friend that farm work absolutely makes me appreciate how although teaching is stressful, it doesn‘t leave me covered in dirt & grease with bruises on an almost daily basis. 2mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
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Nada | Carmen Laforet
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An interesting word from a recent read.

#WeirdWords #WeirdWordWednesday

CBee Great word 👍🏻 2mo
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I‘ve really been enjoying trying more recipes from this cookbook since I got a print copy. Yesterday, I made brioche rolls modified by adding some instant yeast to speed up the process, but I‘ll be making them again as pure sourdough. Then, we used them as sandwich rolls for the smoked BBQ beef made by my brother-in-law & nephew for supper. Absolutely delicious!

#MtCookbook #cookbook #sourdough

Tamra So gorgeous! 😍 👏🏾 You have reminded me to get out my starter. 2mo
Daisey @Tamra I‘ve never tried a brioche recipe before, but these turned out beautifully. Hope all is going well with your starter! 2mo
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Tamra @Daisey I‘ve neglected it after my first couple of loaf attempts, but I‘m going to feed it and make more. 😉 I might cheat and add some yeast to get a bigger rise. 2mo
Roary47 Yum! 2mo
mabell Wow those look so good! 2mo
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Nada | Carmen Laforet
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Andrea comes to Barcelona to live with family while attending university. Once there, she learns things are not good in her family home and she makes few friends attending class. Yet, she perseveres through a difficult year to finally find her way. The mood of much of this book is dark, but the detail in creating that mood and the hope in the end made it a light pick.

#1001books #translated #Spain #FoodAndLit #ReadTheWorld #ReadingTheWorld

Nada | Carmen Laforet
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Hammock reading with the pets is one of my favorite things.

#DogsOfLitsy #CatsOfLitsy #HammockReading

Tamra You are lucky they‘ll stay in there with you! 2mo
Lesliereadsalot Cool hammock! 2mo
dabbe Now that = #heaven 🖤🐾🐾🖤 2mo
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JenReadsAlot That's awesome! 2mo
Librarybelle ❤️❤️❤️ 2mo
Scochrane26 So cute! ❤️ 2mo
KadaGul Absolutely Heaven 😇 Like😍. 🐈🐕🐾🐾 2mo
Texreader Great photo!! ❤️💜❤️💜 2mo
Daisey @Tamra It definitely depends on the day, and it‘s unusual for both of them settle in at the same time. The beagle had been out running, so she was calm enough to make it work. 2mo
56 likes10 comments
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I didn‘t particularly like the characters in this short book, but it was a fairly light listen that did give me a few laughs.

#1001books #audiobook

BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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May was a great listening month, and I finished a few print books as well. I‘m happy with the variety of books, and I got multiple bingos! Both The Drover‘s Wife & The Last Ballad were great stories, and I loved Counting by 7s. Of the 16 completed, 4 were #1001books.

#BookSpin 18 The Drover‘s Wife by Leah Purcell
#DoubleSpin 4 Oroonoko by Aphra Behn

#BookSpinBingo #ReadingStats #MonthlyStats #DaiseysReadingSummary

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! Fantastic month!!! 2mo
35 likes1 comment
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I realized as I was falling asleep last night that I‘d forgotten to share my joys for the week.

💛 My pets travel well together.
💛 I came home to the family farm and helped put up hay, which officially makes it feel like summer.
💛 I spent my first two full days outside doing farm work and managed not to end up sunburnt.
💛 I spent time with my niece and nephew.
💛 These beautiful flowers are in my dad‘s yard.


dabbe 🖤🐾🐾🖤 2mo
DebinHawaii Lovely list of joys! 💛💛💛 Great to spend time helping & being with family! 🚜 Thanks for joining in & spreading joy! 🤗 2mo
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Coal Miner's Daughter | Loretta Lynn
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Overall, I enjoyed this, but it is very much Loretta‘s story from her point of view written at the height of her career and also a specific time in history. I especially enjoyed learning about her young life and how she got started performing. I did find it interesting to read in some reviews/articles that it seems she was a couple years older than she claims when she got married.

#audiobook #memoir #nonfiction

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I chose two books set mostly in the Pacific theater of WWII. It‘s been a long time since I read Code Talker, but I remember it being a fantastic book about the Navajo code talkers that served in the U.S. military. Grenade is told from the alternating perspectives of a Japanese teenager and a young U.S. Marine during the Battle of Okinawa.

#MiddleGrade #WWII #MiddleGradeMonday

Karisimo I‘ve heard of both of these but not read them yet! We watched Hacksaw Ridge tonight which took place in Japan. Thanks for sharing!! 2mo
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For a short time I had a subscription for books with author annotated post-its. This one came up on my #Roll100 list this month, so I checked out a library audio and read the notes alongside. It‘s a historical fiction based on a little known labor strike in North Carolina in 1929. I didn‘t love the switching perspectives, but it was a well told story of the struggle of southern textile mill workers.

#audiobook #NorthCarolina

Tamra I love the idea of author annotations! 2mo
Daisey @Tamra The subscription was really cool, but I‘m just much more of a planner & library reader than new book reader. 2mo
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Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm | Kate Douglas Wiggin
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I‘m not sure I‘ve read this since I first received a print copy as a kid. I enjoyed it then and I enjoyed listening to it now, but it‘s not a favorite. The beginning is great as Rebecca arrives at the home of her aunts and we read the details of that new life, but as the story goes on it moves very quickly and without so much descriptive detail.

#ChildrensClassicRead2024 #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead #LMMAdjacent
#reread #audiobook

The Drover's Wife | Leah Purcell
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There were a few aspects of the way this was written, terminology used by the characters that seemed odd for the time and the switching between perspectives, that sometimes distracted me from the experience of the story. However, the story itself of a woman raising her children on her own in the Australian bush and meeting an aboriginal man on the run was powerful. I was completely caught up in their stories and how those stories came together.

Daisey *I accessed this audiobook through the #Librofm Educator ALC program.

#audiobook #ReadingOceania2024 #Australia #ReadTheWorld #ReadingTheWorld
Tamra I‘m anxious to read this! Have you seen the film? I haven‘t yet. 2mo
Daisey @Tamra I haven‘t. I just happened to download it from Libro.fm and then realized it would be a great choice for an Australia book. I‘d like to say I‘ll look up the movie now, but I rarely actually get to a movie after reading the book. 2mo
Tamra @Daisey I‘m always looking for a good film or show to watch for the treadmill. 😂 2mo
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The Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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I really enjoyed the history and mystery aspects of this story, but there was too much theological discussion to keep my full attention.

#1001books #audiobook
#Reading1001 Monthly Key Word Challenge

Sace I read this book many years ago and felt the same. I wonder if I would have enjoyed the audiobook more. 2mo
Deifio I hear Umberto Eco is really hard to read. I only ever watched the movie tbh 😅 2mo
Daisey @Sace @Deifio It definitely wasn‘t an easy read. I enjoyed the audio, but it also allowed me to skim through some parts where I probably would have set a print book down for a while. 2mo
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💛 Lots of time home with Luthien, the cats, and the hammock since school‘s out for summer
💛 Strawberries! It‘s strawberry season, and I‘ve enjoyed them fresh, in cake, shakes, pie, etc. 🍓
💛 There are strawberries frozen for the rest of the year.
💛 A quiet evening at home with a fire in the backyard and a lovely sunset
💛 Supper with friends tonight that included fried fish, French fries, fresh broccoli, and more strawberries


TheBookHippie Yummmm 2mo
DebinHawaii A lovely list of joys! 💛💛💛 What could be more joyful than fresh strawberries?!?! 🍓(That cake looks amazing!) Thanks for sharing & spreading the joy! 🤗 2mo
mabell That all sounds and looks fabulous! 2mo
Lesliereadsalot Frosting and whipped cream and strawberries oh my! 2mo
Daisey @TheBookHippie @DebinHawaii @mabell @Lesliereadsalot It was a deliciously joyous week! The cake was a new recipe and fantastic, with strawberries in the cake and the cream cheese frosting. 2mo
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Nada | Carmen Laforet
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I made a breakfast quesadilla this morning to have alongside a few pages of my new book. This is my pick for Spain this month.

#Spain #FoodAndLit #ReadTheWorld #ReadingTheWorld #1001books #BookAndBreakfast

Tamra Perfect! 2mo
Daisey @Tamra It was a great way to start the day. 2mo
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Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm | Kate Douglas Wiggin
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“Miranda Sawyer had a heart, of course, but she had never used it for any other purpose than the pumping and circulating of blood.”

It‘s been a long time since I‘ve read this one, so I‘m fitting in a reread on audio. This quote made me smile as I started listening. It‘s so much better than saying something like a heart of stone.

#LMMAdjacent #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead #ChildrensClassicRead2024
#reread #audiobook #quote

julieclair Yes! This quote stood out for me, too. 💙 2mo
TheBookHippie I loved it too!!!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️ 2mo
BarbaraJean Ha! Yes—such a great description! 2mo
tpixie This was a wonderful quote!!! 2mo
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Counting by 7s | Holly Goldberg Sloan
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This was a wonderful book about found family, alongside adoption and grief. Willow is a unique and gifted twelve year old girl, and I loved her story.

#MiddleGrade #StudentRecommendation

TheBookHippie I love this book. It‘s part of the Montessori curriculum here in our public school. (edited) 2mo
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Counting by 7s | Holly Goldberg Sloan
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My 7th graders read this with another teacher and told me it was a great book, so I borrowed it from her to read now that school‘s out. I‘m thoroughly enjoying it, even with the heartbreaking moments.

#MiddleGrade #StudentRecommendation #ReadAndEat

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The Canyon's Edge | Dusti Bowling
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I‘ve read many middle grade books written in verse, and if I were in my classroom today, I might have shared a stack. However, from home, the first one that came to mind that I hadn‘t already seen shared was this one about a girl dealing with a few truly difficult experiences.

My review includes a few examples of the poetic form used in the story. https://litsy.com/p/eG1FQmRpYzdn

#MiddleGrade #MiddleGradeMonday #NovelInVerse

Karisimo Awesome! Another one to add to my stack 😁 thanks for sharing! 2mo
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The Golden Bull | Marjorie Cowley
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It‘s unusual to read a historical fiction set in ancient Mesopotamia, and I appreciated experiencing that culture. Jomar & Zefa are a brother & sister sent to the city of Ur to find a new life when their family is facing starvation on their farm. Jomar is apprenticed to a goldsmith, and Zefa tries to find her way as a musician.

*I received this #MiddleGrade #audiobook through the #Librofm Educator #ALC program.
Audio duration: 3 hours 34 minutes

Daisey 📷: From this evening‘s #audiowalk as I listened to most of this book. 2mo
Tamra Beautiful views! 2mo
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Another book finished in the hammock this evening! This book‘s taken me a long time to read, partly because I haven‘t had much print reading time and partly because it wasn‘t that compelling. I enjoyed it but never felt I just had to keep reading. Ben Sippy is a dime novelist from Philadelphia who decides to actually see the Wild West he‘s written about. He befriends the boy who will become Billy the Kid and tells his version of the story.

Tamra I‘ve read several of his books and the only gem for me was Lonesome Dove. I even love the film. 😊 2mo
Daisey @Tamra I had pretty high hopes for this one because of how much I loved Lonesome Dove, but I think that one is a class of its own. 2mo
Tamra @Daisey a “classic” of American westerns. 😊 2mo
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