Start my new reading. Lookin' forward to dig in.
Start my new reading. Lookin' forward to dig in.
Finnished my reading.
Love the history of the Tudor. A story full of intrigue and conspiracy. An excellent description of the glittering castle on the one side and the smell of death on the other. Such was life at the Tudor castle.
My new reding. Love it. Love historic novels, especially when it comes about Tudors.
I managed to read the book to the end. The book is full of action until the very end, but still I was not too impressed by the story itself.
Now it is time for book 3.
"Lanac je pričvršćen za moj ovratnik. Povodac. Ja sam pas."
"The chain is attached to my collar. Leash. I'm a dog."
Finished the book 2. It took me so long to read it. But I didn't give up.
Now it is time to dig in the book 3.
"Nitko se ne rađa zloban, baš kao što nitko ne rađa samoga sebe."
"No one is born evil, just as no one is born himself."
I am almost done with book 2, finally.
"Svi smo mi samo zviždači na vjetru."
"We are all just whistlers in the wind."
Ako sam ja mač, tad sam mač od stakla - i bojim se da se već polako razbijam.
If I'm a sword, then I'm a sword of glass - and I'm afraid I'm slowly breaking.
"Pokušavala sam ne pamtiti lica umrlih.
Neke gubitke ne možeš zaboraviti."
"I tried not to remember the faces of the dead.
You can't forget some losses."
"Novac ljude čini očajnima. Trgovci ga žele dobiti, kupci zadržati - i sve ih zasljepljuje."
"Money makes people desperate. Retailers want to get it, customers want to keep it - and it blinds them all."