Meh. The introduction was awesome but is never spoken of again. The book follows her on a journey across the globe in search of a fish. But as a read I never really understood why? And honestly I didn‘t care either.
Meh. The introduction was awesome but is never spoken of again. The book follows her on a journey across the globe in search of a fish. But as a read I never really understood why? And honestly I didn‘t care either.
This book is beautifully illustrated and written to describe the world if sharks suddenly disappeared. This would be great in a classroom of younger learners, specially during a unit on global warming! If students were expressing their fear of sharks, then this is a beautiful book to tell about the wonders of how they disappeared. It is a very real topic and shows students how our planet could be changed by a small thing!
Nonfiction- If Sharks Disappeared, written by Lily Williams. This book is a beautiful book with bright illustrations that describe sharks. This book discusses the environment, how long they have been on Earth, the predators they are, and what would happen if they were extinct. This book is beautifully illustrated and written and helps explain to students in a friendly manner.
“If sharks disappeared…the ocean would no longer be balanced. Although different species have different diets, most sharks typically eat sick, slow, or weak prey, leaving the healthy animals to reproduce.”
This book is beautifully illustrated and written to describe the world if sharks suddenly disappeared. If students were expressing their fear of sharks, then this is a beautiful book to tell about the wonders of how they disappeared.