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Butterfly Yellow | Thanhha Lai
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Thank you so much Karen @Texreader I have been wanting to read this for a long time. I try to read books that have been awarded O'Dell and Newbery. I appreciate you so much and your support. I know it took me a long time to open, but I needed to get out of the depression. You were right, I was also grieving an end of a friendship. Thank you for understanding me.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Sending love ❤️ 🤗 2y
Texreader ❤️❤️❤️ 2y
Chrissyreadit How are you my friend? You‘re on my mind ❤️ 2y
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Chrissyreadit Happy Litsyversary 🎉❤️🎉❤️ 2y
TheBookHippie ♥️♥️♥️sending love. 2y
Bookwormjillk was just thinking about you today 2y
TrishB Hope you‘re doing ok ❤️ 2y
Butterfinger @megnews @chrissyreadit @texreader @alwaysbeenaloverofbooks After what happened in May, I just couldn't keep my attention on books. Even my audiobooks could not keep my mind from wandering. Chaya is safe and at another middle school. The teacher is going to counseling. My heart still hurts - it is like I had a divorce. Thank you for reaching out to me. My anxiety got the best of me and I took myself away from social media. 2y
Butterfinger @TrishB @Bookwormjillk @TheBookHippie thank you. I'm coming back. I needed a break. 2y
TheBookHippie @Butterfinger ♥️ we‘re always holding space for you. Take care of you, first, always. 2y
Chrissyreadit I so happy to hear from you❤️ and glad you did what you needed to do! And that you are back. I missed you friend. 😘❤️😘❤️ 2y
TrishB So lovely to see you posting again ❤️ always look after yourself and take the time you need. I broke up with a long term friend (20+ years) 5 years ago. I still miss her, don‘t be too hard on yourself. 2y
Bookwormjillk Butter! Finger! So happy to hear from you today. Take care and come back when you‘re ready. I hope the new middle school is working well for Chaya. Such a hard time for kids already without having to put up with what your family did. ❤️ 2y
sblbooks Hi I was just thinking of you and I hope you and your daughter are doing well.😊 2y
Chrissyreadit Thought of you today and hope you are well. 13mo
Bookwormjillk Was thinking of you today. Hope you‘re well. 8mo
TrishB Hope you‘re doing ok. ♥️ 7mo
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Libertie: A Novel | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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How fascinating!!! The books I decided to read next are very similar in theme. Two books of a person of Color who has a decision to make - to be someone they're not to get what they humanely deserve or to stay true to their heritage and family history.

Chelleo The personal librarian is really good! 2y
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Fruit of the Drunken Tree: A Novel | Ingrid Rojas Contreras
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Even though, this is a somber book about the violence of Colombia, I LOLed at "as confused as Adam on Mother's Day." I'm so blessed to live near so many great restaurants. Tropical Grill in Spruce Pine served me with grilled chorizo sausage and fried bread. So incredibly good. #FoodandLit @Texreader @Catsandbooks

Texreader Mmmm. Looks delicious! 2y
Catsandbooks Tasty!! 2y
Butterfinger @catsandbooks thank you for emailing me. I just had to take a break from technology and didn't see it until this past week. I appreciate you and I am trying to return to normal. 2y
Catsandbooks @Butterfinger I completely understand! I'm glad you and Chaya are OK! Be gentle with yourself and if you need anything I'm here! ❤️ 2y
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Untitled (Untitled #1) | Laura Brooke Robson

I feel lost and overwhelmed right now. I just finished school to a bad year. I had to file a report on a colleague who I thought was a good friend. She was my 11year old's teacher. She looked right at me and said, if she had a gun, she would kill them all. Then Uvalde happened four days later and I am having trouble separating the two. My heart hurts for Texas and I just can't get back to normal because of what my "friend" said. So many lives. And

Butterfinger She thought she was making a joke to a friend. It happened on a Thursday. She was put on administrative leave and forced to go to therapy. Her first day of therapy was the Tuesday of Uvalde. She was back on Wednesday and I couldn't face her. I'm so mad at my administration for allowing her back to teach. She is moving to middle school. At least the admin understands we can't work together, but why is she still allowed to be in the school system? 2y
Butterfinger I know somewhere in my psyche, she didn't mean it. But it is real. And guess what. She could be my daughter's teacher again next year. What do I do? All I do is cry. And I know I have made great friends on Litsy, but I don't know what to do. If she becomes so frustrated with children's behavior SHE SHOULD NOT BE A TEACHER!!! AND she was so mad at my Chaya. She wanted to hurt my baby. I feel so hopeless. Karen, I got your mail, but I haven't opened 2y
julesG Sending you virtual hugs. 2y
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bibliobliss 😧💗 2y
DaveGreen7777 You did the right thing. I‘m so sorry you had to go through this! 😔 2y
thereadingpal Sending virtual hugs. You did the right thing and they shouldn't have allowed her back 2y
Deblovestoread I am so sorry you are having to go through this. I'm sending light and love. I wish I had something constructive to help. Thank you for using your voice because there is nothing funny about this. 2y
megnews Tammy! That kind of threat and they let her back?! How crazy! I wouldn‘t allow them to put her in her class. Homeschool for a year if you have to. Put her on one of those online schools for a year. I know teachers are under immense stress & pressure from every direction but if it comes to this it‘s time to find a new profession. So sorry you and Chaya went through this. If you need me I am always here! (edited) 2y
DivineDiana So sorry you are going through this now. ❤️ 2y
jessjess Absolute BS they let that teacher continue to teach!! I'm so sorry for you having to deal with this 💕 2y
Tamra Oh dear, that‘s a lot to deal with! I‘m sorry! You did the right thing though. 2y
MaureenMc I‘m so sorry. Sending some support as best I can! 💗🙏💗 2y
Butterfinger @megnews I can't read. I can't knit. I'm just numb. This is my first day away from the situation. I need the Lord's guidance so pray for me. Is therapy going to be enough? Should she get a fresh start? Or should I continue to run my mouth and be an advocate for the other families who have no idea what she said? Should I accept that it was just Chaya that made her upset? She was venting to me about her class, but she forgot I was a mom. That shows me how unstable she was. 2y
CBee I‘m just amazed and appalled that this happened. I‘m so very sorry. I would fight like heck to keep your kiddo out of her class, you have every right to do that. You absolutely did the right thing here but I know how upsetting this must be for you. Sending you love. 2y
TEArificbooks If they try to put Chaya back in her class protest. Even go to the middle school principal a head of time and explain you do not feel Chaya will be safe in her class and Chaya may suffer retaliation because you reported her. They should understand and put Chaya in a different class. However, people make mistakes and if that info isn‘t communicated to the scheduler then Chaya may be accidentally put in her class. If that happens, go to the 👎 2y
TEArificbooks Principal again and demand her schedule be redone. If they say no, threaten to sue the school and go to the media. You would be amazed on how quick Chaya will be removed from her class. You have to protect your kid. Even if you have to withdrawal her from school, and make a big stank over it. 2y
TrishB So sorry, that sounds like a complete mess. Sending hugs ❤️ 2y
Ruthiella I‘m so sorry you have to deal with this. My heart goes out to you. ❤️ 2y
Roary47 The statement your “friend” made was not a joke. That is very serious and you did the right thing. If you see this persons name as your child‘s teacher you can ask for a reassignment. Explain you have dealt with them in the past and do not feel comfortable leaving your child in their care. If they don‘t do anything keep your kiddo home and complain to the school board. Children‘s safety is number one. Hang in there and you have support here. 💛 2y
sprainedbrain Omg, I‘m so sorry. Sending you love ❤️ 2y
Chrissyreadit Tammy !!!!! You are thoughtful, brave and full of integrity! I am happy to process with you. You did exactly what an ethical teacher should do. And now your mom hat is on and you are there to protect your daughter! I will email you my phone number. Call, text or FaceTime if you want to process and grieve- because the truth is you are grieving that someone was not the person they needed to be as well as the communal grief we feel for uvalde. 2y
Chrissyreadit And last- you are grieving the loss of a safe space for your daughter- who is getting to witness her mom in action putting her first and doing what is right to protect students ❤️ 2y
sblbooks I can't imagine what that must have been like for you. If this person feels that way about students, it's time to retire. She should not have been allowed to return to school! I can't believe that it was just swept under the rug like that. You did the right thing speaking out, and I'll be praying that those in charge will listen to you. 🙏❤ 2y
Texreader I woke up from surgery and learned about Uvalde and broke into sobs. I was in pieces. Not children and not again. I am hurt to the core for you. I think everyone‘s posts show their support and love for you and @Chrissyreadit is absolutely on target describing what you did and how you feel now. I also think you are in grief over the massive loss of trust in someone in whom you trusted your child. My love and prayers and hugs are coming your way. 2y
Texreader And take your time opening the package. It‘s a book from your tbr I thought you‘ll like. 2y
Tera66 That is so rough, I'm so sorry that you are hurting. You absolutely handled the situation correctly. I'm sorry for the situation doing the right thing put you in. (Virtual hug) 2y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick That's awful. I'm so sorry you and Chaya are dealing with this situation. Sending a big hug & strength your way. 2y
kspenmoll I just saw this now. How traumatizing for you- you did the right thing; I was horrified to hear what your “friend” said.sending a big hug. That woman should not teach, period. So agree with @Chrissyreadit @Texreader said to you- you need to grieve & process this experience. What you did for you daughter will have a ripple effect & in doing so, you will help so many. 💕💕 (edited) 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I‘m so sorry you are having to deal with this. You did the right thing and she should not have been allowed to return to work!! 😡 2y
TheBookHippie I‘m so sorry I just saw this. Hugs. 2y
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The Patchwork Girl of Oz | L. Frank Baum
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This series was my first foray into fantasy with fantastic characters. I love revisiting the adventures. My favorite will always be Pip/Ozma. #ChildrenClassics2022 @TheBookHippie

TheBookHippie 🧡📙 I very much enjoyed this! 🧡📙 2y
kaysworld1 On a totally different subject happy birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 2y
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A Murder of Manatees | Larry Correia
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Listened to it because it was easily available. For anyone who likes pop culture mixed with an intergalactic insurance agent, this audio is for you. It would have been an easy pick if Jimmy Stewart had been mentioned.

Prairie Lotus | Linda Sue Park
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WHAT A TREASURE!!!! Chinese and Korean heritages are highlighted in this story set during the western expansion of US. Very rare. I know of only Laurence Yep for middle grade, but Park wanted to confront the absence and hatred of other cultures in the Little House books. #TeachEmpathyThroughLiterature #MiddleGradeMay @megnews

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Another add to my class. Set in North Carolina during the Trail of Tears. It describes how the Real People were placed in pens like animals. I would suggest this to anyone who wants to encourage and develop empathy. #MiddleGradeMay @megnews

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Yellow Jessamine | Caitlin Starling
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I was looking for a strong gothic tale and I found it. Were the body snatchers aliens, medicine, or imagination? I still don't know. Love a good ambiguous ending.

LibrarianRyan love that cover
LitStephanie Me too! Just added to my endless tbr list. 2y
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There There: A novel | Tommy Orange
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You get to know the histories of the characters and then... A horrific ending. Horrific. I thought it was brilliant how we see the violence that is still high in our indigenous communities.

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A very challenging read. The book opens when a nervous Tarana Burke does not want #metoo to go viral. She had worked so incredibly hard to incorporate it into the Black community where women are statistically abused. She realizes that it is time to increase the range of her community. It covers her abuse and her humility when she fails a young girl's need to share. Every one should read this. Burke even makes a powerful plea for men to stand up.

Butterfinger #Nonfiction2022 I'm unplanned. Was browsing and so glad I chose it. @Riveted_Reader_Melissa 2y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I‘m glad you found it! I want to add it to the #SheSaid reading list, so it‘s good to hear that it was a good read. 2y
kspenmoll This was such a good read- nice review! 2y
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The Magnolia Sword | Sherry Thomas
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Have I mentioned how much I love the #FairytaleReadingChallenge and how much I love this book. #Mulan was March, but I wanted to drag this book for a long time. The battle scenes were perfect. The characters were brilliant in tricking the villain. Loved this book. @Charityann

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Very poignant immigration story told as a graphic novel. Misunderstandings between mother and daughter were stressed. I'm hoping I can get both of my daughters to read it. #Nonfiction2022 I'm an Outcast @Riveted_Reader_Melissa

Butterfinger I was updating my list and realized I haven't tagged you. @TheAromaofBooks #BookSpin for April 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2y
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A storytelling battle between a cleric and a trio of tigers. How delightful, delicious, and fun. I love it when this oral tradition is honored and Vo did it very craftily. A wonderful fantasy with mammoth riders. #PopSugar

Treasure Island | Robert Louis Stevenson
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A grand adventure! And I think I am a little bit in love with Long John Silver. #Booked2022 @Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage

alisiakae Good pick for the nautical prompt! I‘ve actually never read this! 2y
Cinfhen That‘s the only prompt I have left for #Booked2022 …. I just started this one (edited) 2y
Cinfhen Excellent idea 💡 2y
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Tik-Tok of Oz | L. Frank Baum
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Back to my childhood. Adventure with a raggedy group of fantastical characters. Trying to save the Shaggy man's brother from the Gnome King. I wonder if Cornelia Funke was inspired by this series. The gnomes seemed very similar. Onomatopoeia in its title. #PopSugar2022

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So courageous. I'm scared for her during these turbulent times in #Afghanistan She wrote about how disrespectful America was in bringing dogs into the people's homes. What a brave woman. To stand up for women's rights just by deciding to wear men's clothing after puberty. I was in complete awe in her steadfast faith and communication with Allah. #Nonfiction2022 @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I am a Rebel #FoodandLit @Texreader @Catsandbooks

Texreader I agree! Instead of blaming Allah for the behavior of the Taliban, she looked to Allah for peace. 2y
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Had too much humor. I appreciate his sense of humor, but it became overkill. Especially when discussing serious issues such as the Vietnam draft and rape. It left a bitter taste. #Nonfiction2022 @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I am Rock n Roll

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Heaven, My Home | Attica Locke
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I looove Locke's mysteries. A Texas Ranger fights racism while searching for a missing child. While coping with his family.

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A beautiful romance between a quadriplegic and his caregiver. But love doesn't overcome all. A hard ending. It left me mad.

The Red House Mystery | Alan Alexander Milne
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Middlin' I enjoyed reading something different from Milne besides Pooh. The characters thought highly of themselves, but it was fun when they compared themselves to Holmes and Watson.

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I'm looking forward to listening to this today for #FoodandLit while I am knitting a dinosaur afghan for a toddler. @Catsandbooks @Texreader

Catsandbooks That Afghan sounds so cute! 🦕🦖 2y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I found this one very interesting, I‘ll be curious what you thought. 2y
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Food and Literature | Gitanjali G. Shahani
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In elementary school, I had a friend whose parents were political emigres from Communist Cuba. I fondly remember the music, the stories, and the food from this special family. I never eat bananas, but I ate Ms. Rodriguez's fried plantains so that is what I fixed for #Cuba #FoodandLit @texreader @Catsandbooks

Catsandbooks Love fried plantains! 2y
aa_guer2021 My husband is Ecuadorian and some of his family members are of Cuban descent. They have fried plantains at almost every special get together and it is always such a treat! 2y
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Untitled | Unknown
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I feel incredibly guilty for not meeting my discussion groups. I'm finding books on audible, scribd, and Libby while I am getting my little business going and I can't find all the books I need. #audiocrafting @Catsandbooks @curiouser@megnews @sblbooks @staci.reads @Daisey @BookBabe For 1619, the Bible, and Ulysses, I need to read, not listen. I should be catching up in the next week or so.

BookBabe Thanks for the update! Beautiful work. Is that a yak? So cute! 😄 2y
Catsandbooks These are so cute! Don't feel guilty, you're doing great work! 2y
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The Last Cuentista | Donna Barba Higuera
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At times, I thought it was too similar to Beth Revis's Across the Universe. Eventually, it became its own and I began to appreciate it. And, knowing Beth's mother personally, I think Beth would appreciate the similarities.

Chrissyreadit I loved Across The Universe! So cool that you know the authors mom! 2y
Butterfinger @Chrissyreadit I wish you would read it to see if you agree. It won the Newbery Award. 2y
Chrissyreadit @Butterfinger it‘s on my TBR- I‘m reading so slow these days but I hope I get to read it this year- because It‘s def my wheelhouse. 2y
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The Absolutist | John Boyne
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I think John Boyne is incredible for writing human emotions in his stories. This book drained me. Courage. Cowardice. Being complicit or dying for your beliefs. #AuthorAMonth @Soubhiville

Cazxxx I love his writing ☺️ 2y
EmilieGR I loved this book! 2y
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Amber and Clay | Laura Amy Schlitz
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As a teacher who enjoys the Paideia Seminar to encourage critical thinking and using text evidence, I enjoyed reading about Socrates and his style of teaching with his questioning style. Thanks to @Chrissyreadit I decided to read it. I wasn't ready to end Greece. #FoodandLit @Catsandbooks @Texreader

Chrissyreadit I‘m so glad you liked it too! 2y
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The Dressmaker | Kate Alcott
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I learned about the Senate hearings on the White Star ineptitude. Never ever thought about it. So interesting. And learned about the Duff Gordons. What really happened on that lifeboat? I was glued to the text from the first page.

KristiAhlers I really enjoyed that story. I too learned a lot. 2y
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I hate to think of my favorite author enduring abuse at the hands of her zealot, Transcendentalist father. How could he actually believe that dark haired children were of the devil? I learned so much and it just makes me admire her even more. I can't wait to visit Orchard House.

Butterfinger @Riveted_Reader_Melissa #Nonfiction2022 #imasinner because of her father's fanatical ideas. I'm all for education reform, but he did not believe in privacy or confidentiality. 2y
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I will definitely read more Cleeton. I learned so much about Cuba and it's relationship with US. I never knew of Hearst's obsession with Cuba. I hope that he wasn't such a warmonger as Cleeton portrays him, but I know news was his business and he would probably do anything for his success. I even liked how all three main characters fought for Cuba and had a "happy" ending. #FoodandLit @Catsandbooks good choice Leila!!! @Texreader

Catsandbooks Yay! Happy you liked it! ☺️ 2y
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It isn't very profound or evocative, but it's sweet and reminds me of small town life - how I was raised and how I am raising my girls. It has a great lesson, even the Baptist preacher is a sinner; therefore there is no one who should be looking down their noses.

Leftcoastzen 🍦 2y
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Love revisiting my old friends (literature) from my childhood. My Nanny read Charles Perrault to me at a very young age. This version had Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella. #ChildrensClassicChallenge2022 @TheBookHippie
#FairytaleReadingChallenge @Charityann

TheBookHippie ♥️♥️♥️♥️ 2y
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Heartwarming story about a child's love to his father and his determination to help him heal. We have all been there. If we could take someone else's pain, we wouldn't hesitate, but Boyne writes from a child's perspective and we see that a child doesn't care about hurdles. They are going to do what needs to be done, even if it may be wrong to an adult's way of seeing. Because they have a perfect love. #AuthorAMonth @Soubhiville

Soubhiville Nice review, you‘ve made me want to pick it up! 2y
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Untitled | Untitled
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Completed the #BookandBeyondReadingChallenge #BBRC @LibrarianRyan such fascinating new genres.

megnews Congratulations 🎉 2y
BookwormAHN Congratulations 👏🏻 2y
Librarybelle Congratulations! 2y
LibrarianRyan Wow!!! That is great. I‘m amazed. Im not done yet and am completely jelly!! Woohoo 2y
Chrissyreadit Congrats!!!!! 2y
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A Thousand Beginnings and Endings | Elsie Chapman, Ellen Oh
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Excellent retellings of East Asian folktales and myths. YA authors placed sci-fi twists to make new stories. I truly liked each one. #YAshortstories #BBRC @LibrarianRyan

LibrarianRyan I have this book. I‘ll eventually get to reading it. I‘m glad you liked it. 2y
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11.22.63 | Stephen King
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I'm very surprised at how much awe I feel toward this work. I never thought I would read King - too much violence, gore, horror. But I was interested. What makes him so special? There were moments of gore, but there were also moments of beauty and peace and the terror that swept over you was deep and unexpected. I will definitely read more of his sci-fi work. This was amazing. George/Jake and Sadie. Love. #alternativehistory #BBRC @LibrarianRyan

KathyWheeler He gets pigeonholed a lot, but I think he‘s much more than horror. You might like Joyland as well. It‘s not supernatural and it‘s short, but it‘s one of my favorites of his books. (edited) 2y
LibrarianRyan ❤️😁🌟 2y
TheAromaofBooks Yes!! That's totally the the right tag. Fabulous progress!! I haven't read any King either for the same reasons, but maybe I should give him a try anyway. I know he is an incredibly prolific and influential writer. 2y
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This book was the Bees' Knees!!!! Did you know a family was raised in the New York Public Library? What an amazing childhood!!! To explore the map room, to see the exhibits first hand, to know the lore of the place. Fascinating!!! #MGBuddyRead @megnews

BethM This is an adult hx fic about that family. 2y
Butterfinger Thank you so much @BethM 2y
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Tears of the Giraffe | Alexander McCall Smith
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I have heard of the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency, but didn't know anything about it. Until now. I have fallen for the main characters and the discussions they have on moral obligations to their clients and nation #Botswana I will definitely read more. #ReadingAfrica2022 @BarbaraBB @Librarybelle #SeriesRead2022 @TheSpineView

BarbaraBB I want to read a book from that series too for Botswana! 2y
Librarybelle This is such a popular series at the library! I read the first one with a mystery discussion group I ran at the library, and everyone enjoyed it. Great choice! 2y
TheSpineView Awesome! 2y
Tamra My favorite series. ❤️❤️ 2y
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Untitled | Untitled
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Chicken Gyro with Greek Salad and Tsatziki sauce from Bellagio Bistro in Asheville. #FoodandLit @Texreader @Catsandbooks

Texreader Yum!! 2y
Catsandbooks Tasty! 2y
Chrissyreadit I totally forgot to take a picture and post my Greek food 😭 2y
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Untitled | Untitled
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TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 2y
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Untitled | Untitled
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WJCintron 😃 👏 👏 👏 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! Fabulous month!!! 2y
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Great Circle | Maggie Shipstead
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Manipulation, heartbreak, adventure, love. This epic has it all. I got so lost in the reading, I could swear it was Ken Follet. And Jamie. Swoon. Reminded me of Anne Blythe's Walter. Interspersed between the chapters, you are treated to historical snippets of real aviators. This is my favored contender for #WomensPrize2022 No, wait. I forgot about The Sentence.

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This book should be read by everyone. The lone survivor of a massacre in a school. He was continued to be hunted by the Hutus because he was a celebrated runner, but also a Tutsi. It was a hard read, but he carries his physical and emotional scars with such grace that I feel privileged to know his story. #Burundi #ReadingAfrica2022 @Librarybelle @BarbaraBB #Nonfiction2022 #survivor @Riveted_Reader_Melissa

Librarybelle Agreed. I read this one a few years ago. A remarkable read. 2y
Cinfhen Wow!! I‘m definitely going to search this out 💜Thanks for sharing 2y
BarbaraBB Thank you for the recommendation! 2y
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Fell in love with the cover. Was mislead by the cover. Too many times I was sick to my stomach by the food or hair. It was YUCK!!! interesting concept - revengeful ghosts within Vietnamese folklore.

The Great Greene Heist | Varian Johnson
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Incredibly fun and satisfying. Middle schoolers plan a #caper to set up the arrogant opponent in the election. I'd definitely endorse such a school. Every character cared about something; didn't let life flow by them. This will probably be my next read aloud. #BBRC @LibrarianRyan

rubyslippersreads I must have Jane Austen on the brain—I read this as the Gretna Green Heist! 😂 2y
LibrarianRyan Love it. Stacked. 2y
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An epistolary novel for middle grades - set in a Mongolian style during Genghis Khan's day. I loved it. The characterization was fantastic. Dashti, a mucker girl uses songs to heal. She matures while supporting her mistress in a locked up tower. #MiddleGradeMarchThroughTime @megnews #BBRC @LibrarianRyan

megnews I love epistolary novels! 2y
TheBookHippie I liked this one! 2y
LibrarianRyan i didnt know this was epistolary 2y
Butterfinger @LibrarianRyan it's written in diary form. 2y
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Cultures of the World: Cameroon | Sean Sheehan, Josie Elias
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Love learning about cultures that still center around the village. #ReadingAfrica2022 #Cameroon @BarbaraBB @Librarybelle

Librarybelle Another great find! 2y
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I liked the gothic atmosphere with the supernatural being explored with the tarot cards, visions, and ghost stories.

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I have enjoyed every one of Lisa See's books I have read. She takes an unknown culture and makes it alive in my imagination. I just love her writing. I understood Young-sook's anguish and anger. The moment of Mi-ja's betrayal is heartbreaking. I couldn't sleep without revisiting the images evoked. And now I know a little bit about the haenyeo life. Just wow! I look forward to more, but my heart can't take it right now. #AuthorAMonth @Soubhiville

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Otherworld | Jason Segel, Kirsten Miller
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Completely BONKERS!!! I have enjoyed ya about virtual reality (love Marie Lu's WarCross), but the conspiracy theories kept confusing me even though I stayed up all night to finish. I still don't know how I feel, but I do know one thing - I WILL NOT ALLOW MY DAUGHTER TO WEAR HER VR HEADSET TODAY!!! #CyberPunk #BBRC @LibrarianRyan

LibrarianRyan I have this on my TBR but haven‘t gotten to it. 2y
mom2bugnbee What a gorgeous cover! 2y
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