Favorite book cover is...Fortuna Sworn by K.J. Sutton, it's the main reason I picked it up. And I still randomly pick it up just to stare at it.
#mbcreadathon #mbcbookfrogsreadathon6 @MonthlyBookClub #fortunaswornseries #kjsutton
Favorite book cover is...Fortuna Sworn by K.J. Sutton, it's the main reason I picked it up. And I still randomly pick it up just to stare at it.
#mbcreadathon #mbcbookfrogsreadathon6 @MonthlyBookClub #fortunaswornseries #kjsutton
So far these are my top 3 books for the year. I already want to reread the Fortuna Sworn books even though I haven't gotten through the 3rd one
#mbcreadathon #mbcbookfrogsreadathon4 @MonthlyBookClub #kjsutton #fortunaswornseries #thelostapothecary #sarahpenner #top3books#readingpassesthetime #readingisgoodforthesoul #readingmakesmehappy