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George Bernard Shaw https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Joan_(play)
Joan of Arc
Saint Joan
FAME- it‘s a lot.
UGH the gangster 😵‍💫
Peggy and Jane to the rescue ♥️♥️
She just has to be a lesbian..
Which is fine by her

Winifred and her assault.
What a brave woman.


Yay, we get more of Winifred which I rather like. I do like her storyline.

Read4life I‘m enjoying Winifred‘s storyline and I‘m happy we got more of her past even though it was horrible. 4mo
IndoorDame Love her! Love her acting storyline and where it seems to be heading! I have reservations about where her assault storyline seems to be heading, but I‘m trying not to judge the author prematurely… 4mo
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame SAME 👀😵‍💫😅 4mo
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AmyG I figured an assault of aome kind happened to her. I like her character alot. 4mo
vlwelser She might be my favorite. She's so fierce. 4mo
Karisa @vlwelser Yes! Jane was my favorite at first, but Winifred is my current. She‘s strong, smart, talented, and kind. @Read4life I‘m glad we got more of her backstory too. @IndoorDame Yes, not completely trusting the author with these stories of real people. It‘s a shame because the author should disappear but I keep thinking about Gill Paul in the background instead of Dorothy Parker and her friends. 4mo
IndoorDame @Karisa well put 4mo
mcctrish I forgot it was Sunday 🤣🤣 #longeeekendvibes there were sweats from me when Winnifred said “first and last time” how brutal but worse is the judgment she is getting when she reacts strongly to men disrespecting her. No means no, back the fuck off! I want a tee shirt or a bracelet or something with WWWD on it ( what would Winnifred do and it would be kick ass) 4mo
Sargar114 @IndoorDame I‘m judging the author; she used the phrase “let him rape her” and I really almost threw the phone across the room. Under no circumstance should a victim be portrayed as letting it happen to her. I get she was frozen in fear but that was by no means her fault. This was a brutal scene anyway and that made it 1000 times worse. 4mo
IndoorDame @Sargar114 thanks for pointing that out. That‘s one of those really insidious, damaging phrases. And it‘s one women of my generation were trained not to hone in on as much as we should. 4mo
julieclair @Sargar114 Absolutely! There is no “letting him” in rape. 4mo
TheBookHippie @Sargar114 YUP. And the only way out is to be a lesbian because you were raped is an old troupe as well. @IndoorDame 4mo
IndoorDame @TheBookHippie it‘s my least favorite lesbian stereotype! It‘s not one I‘ve had to deal with personally since the 90s, but I‘m guessing it‘s still out there in conservative circles and if the author takes us there in a more concrete way I‘ll be really upset at her for reinforcing that in the world 4mo
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame EXACTLY MY FEAR. Shes going on my NO NO author list … 4mo
TheBookHippie @Sargar114 honestly if not for us reading I‘d have skimmed & bailed but … here we are, hopefully learning something. Oy. 4mo
mollyrotondo @Sargar114 this was yet another moment in the book that I stopped and questioned the intention of the author. No one lets themselves be raped. I was really angry that this author would write such a statement. I could understand it more if Winifred was saying this to herself because she was beating herself up over it but the author used it in the third person narrator so I went 🤯 @TheBookHippie glad you are banning this author. Too many 🚩 4mo
TheBookHippie @mollyrotondo it‘s 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 she‘s writing a book about what she thinks of these people and their lives. Not the actual people. 4mo
mollyrotondo @TheBookHippie yes!!! That‘s exactly what‘s going on. I just haven‘t been able to understand why she‘s portraying Dorothy Parker so badly but yeah she‘s writing about what she thinks of Dorothy and the rest of them. It‘s 😬 4mo
slategreyskies I‘ve only just caught up with this past Sunday‘s section of the book, and I‘m glad to hear that I‘m not the only one who has a problem with this author. I too would no longer be reading if it wasn‘t for these discussions and all of you. I don‘t like the way that the author writes these characters with what feels like judgment. And the way the rape was written really pissed me off. As someone who‘s been raped, that sort of writing is a hard no. 4mo
TheBookHippie @slategreyskies Agree and me too as a survivor is a hard no. 4mo
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