@OleAnder yeah, there is probably not a lot of landed gentry in Ireland anymore, and I don‘t think anyone does the whole dowry thing anymore either. 🤷🏼♀️ Still, it was a pretty cool law.
#graceomalley #granuaile #annechambers #women #womensrights #ireland #notgreatbutnotbad
AlaSkaat Still a hell a lot better than decades before that! Women got nothing at all then. Their purpose was to just give birth. Lol. How the times changed! .. Centuries passed and we Still are fighting to get what we deserve. Hahah. It's sad but oh, how funny... 6y
GingerAntics @OleAnder and yet somehow Ireland was different. A woman could get a divorce just like a man, didn‘t need his permission or anything. She got her stuff back. It was definitely odd for the early modern period. They just recently legalised abortion, but at one time they were the most feminist nation in the world. Go figure. 6y
AlaSkaat @GingerAntics There is no wonder why I have always liked Ireland! 6y
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GingerAntics @OleAnder the people do seem pretty badass... but apparently there are about zero job opportunities there, so Ireland‘s largest export is actually her citizens. 6y
AlaSkaat @GingerAntics Gosh. That's crazy. But job opportunities seem to be going down everywhere every year it seems... there's way too many people on the planet. Lol 6y
GingerAntics @OleAnder true...and people who could create jobs are far to happy to work their current employees to death instead. 🙄 Apparently for the last 100 years or so (since the famine) people grow up there and then leave. Not sure where they‘re coming from if everyone leaves, though. I knew a girl in High School who was from Ireland. 6y
AlaSkaat @GingerAntics Does it not worry you? It's crazy! Ah, really? My friend works in Ireland now. 6y
GingerAntics @OleAnder the number of people on the planet? I mean, we can‘t become China and force people into not having children. More and more people aren‘t having children. We need less of the Dugger‘s for more reasons than just population size, but honestly, if we treated each other better, we‘d be fine. There are tons of habitable places with no people on them. This idea here that “oh we have no place to put new refugees. We‘re out of space” is BS. 6y
GingerAntics @OleAnder some jobs sectors have grown in this century, from what this book was saying, but a lot of people still leave. I think it depends on what your job is. The tagged book talked about it at the end. It was written in 2011, so I‘d think it would be fairly accurate. Things could be a bit better now, almost a decade on. That would be awesome.
The Story of Ireland: A History of the Irish People (edited) 6y
![[tagged book]](https://image.librarything.com/pics/litsy_webpics/icon_taggedBook@3x.png)
GingerAntics @OleAnder I‘m honestly more concerned with all of the division that people are suddenly okay with. Donald Trump. Brexit. A neuclearized North Korea. Etc. I‘m concerned with those things. At this rate, those things will create war and famine where they didn‘t existed before. That will definitely take care of massive amounts of the human population. 6y
GingerAntics @OleAnder this kind of takes us back to the theme we keep revisiting, though. Countries where women are educated and given access to birth control and work have women who have fewer children. Feminism isn‘t just good for women, it‘s good for everyone. 6y
AlaSkaat @GingerAntics You are right. But population increases every year. And resources are going down. Maybe it's not a problem now. Or even in decades it still won't be. But if it goes on, it will become a problem. A lot of people here are having kids. Mostly teenagers and young adults. But I havent really paid attention lately. Maybe that stopped. Lol 6y
AlaSkaat I agree with you there. The Brexit and Trump. And feminism. It's all so f-ed up, though 6y
AlaSkaat I'm just hoping that intelligent people will some day rule our countries and fix this mess 6y
GingerAntics @OleAnder what‘s wrong with feminists? 6y
AlaSkaat @GingerAntics Noo, hahah. I agree that feminism is good for everyone! 6y
GingerAntics @OleAnder sorry, got confused there. lol I agree that we‘re going to have worse resource scarcity than we do now if things don‘t change, but part of that change is people need to stop being arses. At least half the problem right now is greed. If people stopped being greedy, only had kids if they wanted to, people were cool with that and people like the Duggers stopped having 19 kids. We‘d probably be okay. 6y
GingerAntics @OleAnder I did read a theory once that the planet corrects itself when it ends up will too many people to be supported at any given time. A world wide pandemic breaks out (think all the plagues, the Spanish flu, etc) and it thins the population. Problematically, it leaves behind only the healthiest people, so it had to try harder to thin people out next time. 6y
AlaSkaat @GingerAntics Yeah. Greed seems to be the greatest evil. And that theory sounds interesting!! Can't f-ck with Mother Earth, lol 6y
AlaSkaat Sorry I took so long to reply. Busy days! 6y
GingerAntics @OleAnder lol totally understand. The theory kind of makes sense. Epidemics break out where people are smushed close together, while people who live out in the country are generally spared (unless they‘re really weak). I honestly don‘t think humans are meant to love within 3 feet of each other. 6y
AlaSkaat @GingerAntics Hahah, make that a compulsory 50 feet and we have heaven on earth! 6y
AlaSkaat That actually makes a lot sense too. 6y
GingerAntics @OleAnder right? Every person needs space to relax and breathe. This idea of squishing people together. I don‘t get it. Every winter there is the huge flu outbreak, but only in the cities. People out in the country have no problems what so ever. No deadly cases of the flu. No pandemic for them. There is something to it, I think. 6y
AlaSkaat @GingerAntics So true. It's gotten worse over the years. I remember when I lived in Poland when I was a child. It was a small village in the country. Even during winter we went out for the whole day, wet with snow, eating dirty fruits etc and were never ill. Now, in the city, my nephews are Always ill. Summer, winter. Clean fruits, dry clothes. Don't matter. Our immune systems seem to have grown weaker 6y
GingerAntics @OleAnder and allergies have increased!!! They‘ve found that contact with nature and animals (even farm animals) somehow effects the immune system in such a way that kids out in the country have less food allergies than city kids. It‘s crazy how much large cities actually hurt people. They make people medically weaker. 6y
AlaSkaat @GingerAntics Oh, very true! And when you look at people in cities and the country, it's those in the city that live in constant stress. It's harder to fight infections etc when our body is in a weak mental state, causing out body to be weaker. And as you said before, we need our space to relax. Funny how it almost all falls down to our mental state 6y
GingerAntics @OleAnder so true!!! It‘s no wonder people love going out for hikes and things. It‘s relaxing and it‘s good for you. It‘s amazing how much control your brain has over your body. I wouldn‘t doubt having cleaner air to breathe has a hand in things, too. All the junk in the air gets into your lungs, blood stream, and brain. I think not having everything within 10 minutes of you also makes you more resilient and teaches you to plan ahead. 6y
GingerAntics @OleAnder so many benefits to living out in less populated areas. I grew up in a small town. Everyone had a yard. There was 10-20 feet between homes. We saw birds and nature all the time. We were closer to things than full out country living, but we didn‘t get as sick as other schools that were in denser population. We moved to TX and I swear, some of these homes are so close, one person can walk between them at a time. I miss space and fresh air. (edited) 6y
AlaSkaat @GingerAntics I am so with you on that one! You can see the difference if you go to a busy shopping centre and then to the woods. Your problems will stay the same, your life won't change, but how different you will feel! I have always been a lover of nature and a hater of everything else, lol. The constant movement of others, noise... it tires you out even if you sit doing nothing. You CanNot relax in the city 6y
AlaSkaat Happier people are healthier people. Everyone heard that and nobody wants to believe it. No one strives to be happier. Everyone wants to be happy but they chose other things instead. Anger, grief, hate, pride. That is ruining them. Their brain And their body. What is going on?? 6y
GingerAntics @OleAnder exactly!!! I agree with you on every way. Either that, or they think what they‘re choosing will eventually make them happy, then years later they realise it doesn‘t. Oh I totally agree with that. Huge crowds are just stressful and exhausting. A nice walk through the woods or just laying quietly out in the sun. It‘s like the whole world slows down and even if everything is going wrong, it seems like it‘s not quite as bad. 6y
GingerAntics @OleAnder you calm down and can approach everything else from a completely different angle. It‘s sad, scientists have actually done research to see if photos of nature have the same effect. Oddly, they do. I make sure to see some nature stuff everyday since I can‘t get out of the city now that we don‘t have a car. Stupid car. 6y
AlaSkaat @GingerAntics Yeah, exactly! They chase things that don't matter at all! Material things can't give them fulfilment and happiness. Neither can hate and anger! Ugh. Oohh. This reminded me of a video. I listen to it with headphones and get completely lost in the music. Listening and Watching the images has even a bigger effect. 6y
AlaSkaat I get a mix of love and appreciation for earth, nature and beauty. But also sadness and guilt because we are destroying Earth! https://youtu.be/MuAGGZNfUkU 6y
GingerAntics @OleAnder oh Hans Zimmer. This is going to be great. Yeah, I wish there were a way to get people to stop denying that people are destroying the world, or worse yet that it‘s okay we‘re destroying the world because it will just hurry along the “coming of Jesus.” 🙄 It does always give a double edge to enjoying nature. 6y
AlaSkaat @GingerAntics Oh, me too. Coming of Jesus! Do they mean insanity? It's all money. Money is destroying Earth, hah. A piece of paper! How ridiculous. And why I like reading travel books. Mostly climbing, tracks etc. I get the feeling that I am there. Just me and nature. Amazinnnng. I will definitely do that one day lol 6y
GingerAntics @OleAnder I‘ve never read that type of book before. That sounds like a good idea, though. 🙄 I have no idea what they‘re thinking. Apparently if the world is ending because we‘ve destroyed it, Jesus will have to come take them away to heaven sooner. 🙄 I just can‘t even with these people. Just look around. Climate change is so obvious if you look up from your bloody phone. 🙄 6y
AlaSkaat @GingerAntics Oh, they are great! Hahah, I will never understand them. So crazy. Jesus is the answer to all it seems. Even to someone failing a test. 'I will not try to make things better. I will pray that God will do it for me.' ... really. Praying for strength, sure. But praying to fix it without you doing anything?? 6y
GingerAntics @OleAnder oh my god yes. I went to this church (before I realised I‘m not Christian) that passed out cards that said (Jesus is greater than ______) so everyone could put all their troubles in the blank. 🙄 I went to this college where the teachers would lead the class in prayer before every test. 🤦🏼♀️ I really live in an interesting place... accept I‘d rather live with sane people. lol Well, sane-ish. 6y
AlaSkaat @GingerAntics Lol, they don't understand that prayer will only help them Deal with it and that prayer won't actually fix anything if they're not willing to fix it. Gosh. One thing that really annoys me is those that complain but they Tolerate the things they complain about!! Why? How? You can't complain about it and not try change it!! 6y
GingerAntics @OleAnder at least vote for different people, seriously!!! Then again, they vote for people who would like to make America a theocracy, so I kind of don‘t want them to do anything. The “I‘ll pray for you” group thinks the problem is that America isn‘t godly enough. 🙄 We never were, you idiots!!! This is probably why they‘re afraid of historians. 6y
AlaSkaat @GingerAntics Hah, exactly! How far have we come and yet we still have a long way to go! The people have a lot to work on. Yeah. I noticed a lot of people avoid historians, one of the reasons being is they make them feel stupid. Lol 6y
GingerAntics @OleAnder not going to lie, that is a perk. 😏 Although I far prefer when people ask a question and I can answer it in great detail and they think it‘s cool. It‘s the only time I‘ll be cool so I figure I should revel in it. 😂 6y
AlaSkaat @GingerAntics Hahah, right. Take all you can! I admire your brain though. Holds so much information and you're able to tell that information to others!! I can't even explain how the microwave works lol. But who knows that stuff, right? 6y
GingerAntics @OleAnder I‘ve heard it takes the molecules and makes them move really fast, which causes friction, which creates heat to heat up your food. 😬 6y
GingerAntics @OleAnder I forget what movie it was where a character said that. 🤣 That‘s the only reason I know that. 😂 6y
AlaSkaat @GingerAntics 😂 well thank you Miss genius! Lol, the first few Spanish words I learned were from the Beverly Hills chihuahua 😂 6y
GingerAntics @OleAnder it‘s amazing what movies can teach a person. 😏 6y
AlaSkaat @GingerAntics Oh yes. But it's a shame people only choose movies to learn from, hah 6y
GingerAntics @OleAnder agreed. There are so many sources out there, and I‘m not one to just take someone‘s word for it. Let me see your sources. 6y
AlaSkaat @GingerAntics Hah, yeah. I like facts. Not assumptions or opinions. 6y
GingerAntics @OleAnder same...I do love when my opinions are validated by fact, though. That‘s always fun. 6y
AlaSkaat @GingerAntics Oh, definitely. I like to say my ego is very small, but I loooove proving people wrong lol 6y
GingerAntics @OleAnder in any other situation, my ego is small, but when I definitely know the right answer and people are positive the wrong answer is right I can‘t help myself. 6y
AlaSkaat @GingerAntics Oh, that's understandable!😅 6y
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