Four books waiting to be read: three from countries I haven't read before (Latvia, Ecuador, & Nicaragua), my first Kenyan Luo author, and all women. #ReadingWomen #ReadWide #ReadAllLanguages #ReadAllCultures
Four books waiting to be read: three from countries I haven't read before (Latvia, Ecuador, & Nicaragua), my first Kenyan Luo author, and all women. #ReadingWomen #ReadWide #ReadAllLanguages #ReadAllCultures
Still pondering this one as I set it on the top of my #ArchipelagoBooks "Have Read" pile. Fantastic. And the stack will continue to grow now that I succumbed to their subscription... #ReadWide #ReadAllLanguages
Ponder this with your latte: "Is it possible to achieve a humane end through inhumane means?” #ReadWide #ReadAllLanguages #ReadAllCultures
Been wanting a visual map of my reading and looking for the best app for that. Here's a view of 2017 using the free features of Mapline.com. Not that eye-catching but workable. #ReadWide #2017ReadingStats #ReadAllLanguages #ReadAllCultures
Last book nerdy chart, I sorta promise. I like to crunch data sometimes. Here is the breakdown of the 13 books in translation I read in 2017. New languages were Afirkaans, Czech, & Hungarian. New countries, cultures, or ethnicities were Czech, Hungarian, Ugandan & Haitian (From the French), and Slovene (From the German). #2017ReadingStats #ReadWide #ReadAllLanguages
Only ~3% of all books published in the USA are works in translation. Here is my 2017 effort to read from non-english speaking countries/cultures. 42% of the 43 books I read were Literature In Translation(LIT) or from authors for whom English was a Second Language (ESL). EFL= English as First Language. So I'm well above the published norm. #2017ReadingStats #ReadWide #ReadAllCultures #readAllLanguages