Spent the afternoon cleaning and watching three episodes of The Movies that Made Us on Netflix, all about the making of three iconic horror movies! Really, really fascinating and pretty funny (the way they present it). #teamslaughter #scarathlon2021
Spent the afternoon cleaning and watching three episodes of The Movies that Made Us on Netflix, all about the making of three iconic horror movies! Really, really fascinating and pretty funny (the way they present it). #teamslaughter #scarathlon2021
Not a book, but very strong storytelling - if your theater has Peter Jackson's They Shall Not Grow Old, it plays again Dec. 27 and is a remarkable experience. Made up entirely of WWI footage w/color & sound restored, no academic narration, just veterans' voices sharing stories. Absolutely worth the price of 3D, and stay after the credits to hear him share about making the film. Realistic and human w/o being gratuitous. https://youtu.be/IrabKK9Bhds
Signed up for this swap as it sounds like fun for the whole family! My husband (the film buff) is already researching options...
#readthemoviesswap @DoonTheGoon
Sorry, I couldn‘t copy/paste the link here.
Thought you guys would find this link helpful. This is a list of the books (98, but the title says 100) that are being made into movies. There are quite a few on here that are on my TBR and some I might add to it. And the other link is a list of books-movies in 2018.