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@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💕
Thank you for the tag.
Everyday is a chance to be better.

ju.ca.no 💙 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💞💞💞 2y
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Germs Make Me Sick! | Melvin Berger
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Today is not my day, I've been sicker than I have in over 2 years, had to cancel my dentist appointment, missed out on tickets for Star Wars concert next week, oh and I passed it on to my child 😫. Just wanted to update and say my #LMPBC books will be going out late im sorry @LiteraryinLawrence @MeganAnn

AmandaBlaze Hope you feel better soon. 2y
LiteraryinPA Oh no!! Don‘t worry about the book at all, please! We‘ll all get to read it at some point and it‘s no big deal if it‘s late. Just focus on healing! 💗 2y
Chrissyreadit Hope you feel better soon! 2y
MeganAnn No worries! I hope you‘re starting to feel better! Focus on you and your family first. 💖 2y
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#200PnPCovers @CrowCAH @mabell In #Pride & #Prejudice, Mrs.Bennet is desperate to receive #proposals from #rich men for all the Bennet #siblings, so much so that she risks Jane‘s health by making her go to #tea at Netherfield Park in the rain, hoping her #sickness will catch her a husband. Lydia and Kitty hope to catch the attention of the #soldiers stationed in Meryton, so they often #travel on #walks to meet them. (I think I got each prompt in!)

rubyslippersreads 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 3y
LeahBergen 🤣🤣 You did it! 3y
CrowCAH You did! All 31; you‘re the first to complete the challenge!!! 😁👏🏻📚 3y
mabell Nice job! 3y
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Not an entire book on #Angola, but I'm counting it as I learnt the above fact. #ReadingAfrica2022 @Librarybelle @BarbaraBB

Bad Science tells the reader a lot about how you should treat all claims about scientific studies about new drugs treating #sickness with a grain of salt, as results are bound to be skewered towards a positive outcome. #200pnpcovers @CrowCAH @mabell


Librarybelle Hooray!! 3y
mabell Interesting! 3y
CrowCAH You can lie with any stat! Lol 3y
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Mr. Woodhouse‘s preoccupation with #sickness is how I first learned the word valetudinarian. No gruel for me, thanks! 😂

#200PnPcovers #PnPcovers

BookBabe Ha! Great word. 😄👌🏻 3y
MaureenMc Upon my most recent reading, Mr. Woodhouse struck me as an early keto devotee, with his love for eggs and horror at cake. 😁 3y
rubyslippersreads @MaureenMc A man ahead of his time. 😂 3y
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LeahBergen But surely just a small dish of nourishing gruel?? 3y
mabell Ha I love that! 3y
CrowCAH That‘s a big word! I‘m not even sure how to say it! 3y
kspenmoll Love these illustrations! 3y
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Pride and Prejudice | Jane Austen
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#200PnPcovers #Sickness

Day 27. Elizabeth goes and visits Jane at Netherfield when she comes down with a cold, after riding in the rain to go see Bingley.

Another sick person in P&P is Miss de Bourgh.

mabell Sisters rallying round in times of need ❤️ 3y
CrowCAH @mabell always good to know someone cares! ❤️ 3y
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