19 days….
Continuing with the Christmasaurus tonight.
#sipsby #sipsbyadventcalendar #thechristmasaurus #tomfletcher #shanedevries
19 days….
Continuing with the Christmasaurus tonight.
#sipsby #sipsbyadventcalendar #thechristmasaurus #tomfletcher #shanedevries
I forgot to post yesterday‘s so here it is….
20 days
#sipsby #sipsbyadventcalendar #bareleavestea #goldenyunnanblack #thechristmasaurus #tomfletcher #shanedevries
21 days….
Finishing up A Boy Called Christmas today
#sipsby #sipsbyadventcalendar #rainydayteaco #breakfastinbedtea #aboycalledchristmas #matthaig #chrismould
22 days….
Continuing to get into the Christmas spirit with more tea and books because they‘re some of the best things.
#sipsby #sipsbyadventcalendar #steepsociety #kanelboller #aboycalledchristmas #matthaig #chrismould
23 days….
Christmas is my favorite holiday but sometimes it can be hard for me to get into the spirit. Hoping this book will help.
And finally putting up my tree 🎄
#sipsby #sipsbyadventcalendar #davidsonstea #herbalchristmastea #miracleon34thstreet #valentinedavies
24 Days….
I‘m supposed to be reading Christmas books but I need to finish this one first. Thankfully I did actually account for that to be a thing.
Merry Christmas Everyone!!
#sipsby #sipsbyadventcalendar #cookietea #almondcookie #sacredtreason #jamesforester