I was so bored I didn‘t even make it through chapter 1. I was here more for the history than the romance but even that ended up being a dud.
I was so bored I didn‘t even make it through chapter 1. I was here more for the history than the romance but even that ended up being a dud.
Finished book 4. Not much happened till around the last 100 pages.
While I‘m not enjoying this series as much as I‘d hoped I‘m still planning to continue as there‘s just something about it that makes me still want to know what‘s going to happen.
Well I finished the Uglies series.
They really were just a copy and past of each other. Even this one didn‘t share anything new. The only differences in this one were that it was set in Japan (but you wouldn‘t know till the last part) and it brought in the World Wide Web.
This was another of my #bookspin #doublespin picks, this time for February.
Look who finished a book
I‘ve been sick and obsessing about Disney Dreamlight Valley so this has been a long time coming.
Rise of the World Eater is the 3rd and final installment of the Frostheart series and I thought it was a good end to the series.
This was one of January‘s #bookspin #doublespin pick but I can‘t remember which.
I‘m really late in sharing but here‘s my #bookspin #doublespin picks for February.
My prompts were Pet Pick and Final Book.
Currently Reading
My favorite way to read is by following along with the audio.
I was working on The Shadow Rising but wasn‘t able to finish before the audio had to go back to the library. Thankfully my hold for the audio of Dark Age came in just before so I can read that while I wait for The Shadow Rising to come back to me.
Continuing The Wheel of Time Series.
This is book 3 and of the three I‘ve read it‘s not my favorite but I still want to know what happens next.
This one felt very much like a set up book but we‘ll just have to wait and see. I do have plans to pick up book 4 The Shadow Rising very soon.
My dad came into town to visit and we took him to see the sights. We also had to stop at my local used bookstore and pick up some books.
This one really fell flat for me.
The plot was a cut and past of the previous books in the series with only a slight variation in the exact location of where things went down. The characters have had no growth throughout the series and it‘s made extremely clear in this one. I wouldn‘t continue and read the last book in this series but as I own it and Specials was supposed to be the last in the series I do plan to read on and see what Extras adds.
Rumor has it this should be coming out this year but there is not info other than Briggs is working on it so it may not.
That being said this is my most anticipated release of whenever it ends up coming out.
2025 Priority Reads Stack
Lots of series continuations so I can keep the momentum up.
This year I am striving to post more consistently here and to actually participate in #bookspin #doublespin
I have chosen to make my list a list of prompts so as to not be forced to read something I don‘t want to or loose interest in a book because it becomes required reading.
January‘s prompts were Fiancé Pick and Poll Pick.
#bookspin #doublespin is hosted by @TheAromaofBooks
My most anticipated release of 2024.
Veta Mae read it for the Impling Summoning with the Demonology Professor at Orilium.
Veta Mae also decided to embark on the Lore quest in April since she finished her classes and had some extra time.
Here‘s her stack of books for that. She‘s really excited to continue the exploration in September.
During April I participated in the magical read-a-thon.
My character, Veta Mae changed her Calling to a Scribe and had much more success and more fun.
This stack of books was for my Classes.
Ummm……this is a thing that happened…….
Eeeeekkkk 😆🥰❤️💍
We‘re headed back to Orilium and Veta Mae has some big decisions to make.
She‘s thinking of changing her Calling and hoping to make a new friend or 2.
Here‘s my March #bookspin and #doublespin picks
So far Murtagh is pretty good.
Meant to post this at the beginning of the month and forgot but these were my February #bookspin #doublespin picks.
I still haven‘t gotten to them but I‘m hopeful to get caught up in March.
I was a little bored at the beginning but in the end I enjoyed this one a lot.
Read for my family‘s book club
First picks for this years #bookspin #doublespin
I‘m trying out a new list so reading the books doesn‘t feel so much like a chore and I can‘t wait to dive in.
Since I haven‘t posted here in quite a while I thought I‘d reintroduce myself.
I‘m Gabrielle. My favorite genres are Fantasy and Historical Fiction. And when I‘m not reading I can be found playing Disney Dreamlight Valley (I‘m addicted) or stocking the shelves at Kroger.
I‘m also 34 today.
This one‘s my favorite in the series so far.
Class - Restoration: Induce Sleep
Prompt- Start a book before bed.
#bookstagram #bookstagrammer #bookreview #magicalreadathonorilium
Finally finished another one…..I really do love having my bf read to me. This is my favorite Anita Blake novel so far.
Can‘t wait to continue the series with The Killing Dance.
#bloodybones #laurellkhamilton #bookreview
Best book I read so far this year.
#bestbookoftheyearsofar #bestbooksofar #bestof2023sofar #midyearcheckin #halfway
Mid-year check-in
18 books read so far
#midyearcheckin #halfway
I really enjoyed the urgles tale about the dragon and the tale of Murtagh made me more intrigued to pick up his book when it comes out later this year.
I very much enjoyed my time with this one.
#bookreview #christopherpaolini #theforkthewitchandtheworm
And 4 years later she‘s finally finished the series.
Mostly because I took to much time between books and forgot major things this one scraped a 4. Maybe I‘ll reread one day and not leave so much time between books that I forget stuff.
#asongoficeandfire #gameofthrones #got #adancewithdragons #georgerrmartin #finalbook #finalbooksupportgroup
I listened to the entire book at work yesterday. Very enjoyable series I plan to continue the series. Maybe I can finish book 2 during my next overnight shift.
Staying on that trend of continuing or finishing series this year. So far this one‘s my favorite in the series so far.
This will also complete my May #doublespin
#morningstar #piercebrown #redrisingsaga
Highly recommend this one. The first half is difficult but if you can push through it‘s so worth the read.
#homegoing #yaagyasi #fiction #history
Book 13 complete!
This book was great. Super atmospheric. Will definitely be reading more from Ruta Sepetys.
Fun fact: the author and I grew up in the same state of the U.S.
#outoftheeasy #rutasepetys #historicalfiction
Continued the Fables graphic novel. I really like these. Can‘t wait to read the next book.
#fables #graphicnovel
Restoration exam complete
Learned about Oculi Cures by closing my eyes, shuffling some books, and then pointing at one.
#godseercalling #oriliumacademy #oriliummagicalreadathon #oriliumreadathon #oriliumspringequinox #archivist
Finished Spellbinder by L. J. Smith for my Conjuration Exam. Learning Spirit Binding Spells with a book that was Recommended by a friend.
This also completes my April #doublespin
#oriliumreadathon #oriliummagicalreadathon #oriliumacademy #godseercalling #archivist #oriliumspringequinox
It‘s been forever but I finally have a library card. Yay I‘m so excited to start using my local library again.
Day 3
Window shot and current read
I never read anything without at least one travel buddy and these are the best ones.
#oriliumacademy #oriliummagicalreadathon #oriliumreadathon #oriliumspringequinox #oriliumspring23pics #godseer #archivist
This week is the photo challenge for Orilium and day 1 is to share your TBR.
I have already completed one of the 7 I need and am hoping to complete a second today.
I found the template in the Orilium discord but I‘m not sure who designed it.
#oriliummagicalreadathon #oriliumreadathon #oriliumacademy #oriliumspringequinox #oriliumspring23pics #godseer #arcivist #tbr
Finished my Lore exam yesterday.
This one is also April‘s #bookspin pick
Anne of Windy Poplars is the 4th book in the Anne of Green Gables series. I haven‘t been enjoying the series that much but they have been getting better with each book so I‘ll continue at some point as I do own them all.
#oriliumacademy #oriliummagicalreadathon #oriliumspringequinox #goodseer #archivist #anneofwindypoplars #lmmontgomery
Veta Mae has returned to Orilium Academy for her second year of studies and has decided to continue the calling of Godseer.
Currently working on the Lore exam with Anne of Windy Poplars by L. M. Montgomery for book with a map.
#oriliumacademy #oriliummagicalreadathon #oriliumreadathon #goodseer #archivist #anneofwindypoplars #lmmontgomery
Long time no speak….
I‘m still not reading but hoping to be back to it soon. I‘ve big plans for April as my favorite read a thon is back for year 2.
#readathons #oriliumreadathon #readingplans
My life has been taken over by Disney Dreamlight Valley so reading has not been a thing at all for about a week now….That being said I would really like to continue the Red Rising Series by Pierce Brown with Morning Star and complete the A Song of Ice and Fire Series by George R. R. Martin with A Dance with Dragons.
#disneydreamlightvalley #redrisingtrilogy #asongoficeandfire #gameofthrones #piercebrown #georgerrmartin #finalbooksupportgroup
That‘s another one finished.
I really wish I enjoyed this one more. In the end I found that I just didn‘t care.
#thehourofthewitch #chrisbohjalian #bookreview