Why can‘t books come like movies. Who else wants the copy for home and on the go? Waiting for the day this is a thing. #digitalcopy #somedayitllhappen
DivineDiana 🙋♀️ 7y
scowler1 It's about time publishers dragged themselves into the twenty first. 7y
RidgewayGirl Aren‘t books uniquely portable? I carry one with me everywhere! 7y
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chyepanda @RidgewayGirl I hate carrying my books around cuz then they get damaged. 7y
Clare-Dragonfly Huh? Is this book not available as an ebook yet? If so, I agree, that‘s ridiculous. 7y
chyepanda @Clare-Dragonfly I imagine it it available in ebook. I wish they made books like that did movies, you buy the hardback copy and it comes with the ebook version as well. So you get both versions. 7y
Clare-Dragonfly OH, like DVDs? Shows how long it‘s been since I bought one of those! I agree, publishers should do that. 7y
chyepanda @Clare-Dragonfly Yes like DVDs. :P 7y
Clare-Dragonfly I was thinking movies in the theater 😅 7y
Ye_Mighty_Andy_Spare Why's no one thought of that before? What a brilliant idea! A couple of times i've borrowed an audiobook from my library and checked out the ebook version at the same time so i can read it during the day, then pick up with the audiobook as i go to sleep. Rare the library has both versions in stock and available tho 7y
chyepanda @Ye_Mighty_Andy_Spare Right. It would be awesome. 7y