I am getting this little sweetheart this week and looking for some bookish names. I already have a dog named Luna. Any suggestions would be great.
I am getting this little sweetheart this week and looking for some bookish names. I already have a dog named Luna. Any suggestions would be great.
Loved this book. Recommend for anyone looking. Can‘t wait to read the next. #backatit #imissedthis #2left
Finally back at it after a 4 month dry spell!! So excited to pick this one up!! A lot can happen in 4 months. :) #Mrs.Moore #booklover #backatit #princeofdarkness
Happy birthday to me :) Just has to do some book shopping for my birthday :) #whichtoreadfirst #birthdaybooks #lovethem
New bookmarks :) Never know what you are going to find at a thrift store.
#bookmarkhorder #lovinthebooklife
Scribd!!!! Possibly my new favorite thing. I decided to do the 30 day free trial to see if I liked it. I am always looking for new ways to get books. This is absolutely perfect. #booksbooksbooks #lovelisteninginmycar #mightbeaddicted
We I was going to finish this later ;p Apparently my brain had other plans. Loved it!!!
So I have made it almost to the end and am totally loving it. All of the back story just makes me love the characters more thank I did in the movie. All that is left now is the sad ending and I might be putting that off. #lovingeveryminofit #squishybookrule #booknerd
Loving this book so far!! I am excited to read the others in this group and learn more about the ever quirky Louisa.
This would be the first poetry book I have tried. It was good but I am not sure I am a fan of poetry.
Started this book tonight...give me your thoughts I‘m curious what all of you guys think
I chose this as my first audio book in years. I found it to be both entertaining and educational. Rachel does a fantastic job of firing you up and making you believe your life can be better. I will definitely be picking up her next book. #lifechanges #goalplanning #lovedit
I pick this one up a few months ago and couldn‘t get into it. Decided today I wanted to read it now I‘m almost halfway done. Sometimes it‘s all about head space. :) #Jacktheripper #lovingthisbook #alwaystryittwice
What could possibly be better than book mail? #bookmail #newbooks #sooooexcited
New thrift store find :)...almost died of excitement right there on the floor when I found this gem for 75 cents. #thiftfinds #livingmybooklife #nicholassparksisthebest
I finally feel like I have the perfect bookmarks for one of my favorite stories. This may call for a reread. :) #princessbride #ROUS #bookmarklove
So seriously like I have a serious book buying problem. ;p I have to read some of these before I buy anymore. But I also got some great reads and am super excited about my finds. #conflicted #tomanyreads #maybeidontcare
So this may be a children‘s book but that didn‘t keep me from freaking out when I found it the other day. 4.5 out of 5 to one of my all time favorites.
Just say no to dog ears.. :) Because bookmarks are so much better. #justsayno #malfoymagnet #jointhehunt #deanandsamforever
Just cuz you are Christmas shopping doesn‘t mean you can‘t buy for yourself right. :D BAM for the win on some books I needed or is it wanted. #need #booksamillion #merryxmastome
So apparently coming home without books isn‘t a thing. :p #booklove #iprobablyneedabiggerhouse #addict
Finished this today was fairly good not an all time favorite but I‘ll read it again.
When you work at a thrift store you can‘t walk out empty handed can‘t you? :p Two more books to add to my ever growing library. #booksforlife #readingislife
What else do you do on a snow day? Starting books 2 of the day. Going to finish my last two Heather Gudenkauf books today. :) #lovethese #snowdays #perfect for reading
When your day starts badly but you get to buy books at the end of it. :D #thriftstore #theseonlycost11dollars #bookaddict
Pulled this out of the trash bin at work...no idea what I‘ll do with it cuz it‘s basically in pieces but I couldn‘t stand it going in the garbage.
So I am just over here adding books to my list and I look over and it looks like she is posing with this book. I haven‘t read it yet but she really seemed excited about that one.
I have adored every book that I have read by Melanie Dickerson. As always a beautiful story about love and adventure. I can not wait to see where she will take this family next. #fairytaleromance #melaniedickerson #cantputthemdown
New Read..Hopefully spooky enough for this Halloween season. :) #halloweenread #hedwigbookmark #rainydayread
So I finish The Life We Bury and love it. Nobody informed me there was companion books. :( Now I am sad but it means I get to buy more books right.
I haven‘t been hooked since page one but it‘s been pretty close to that. I am anxious to finish this book. I am so glad I picked it up.
New books :) Well new to me anyhow. For successful finishing my first day at a new job what could be better. #prelovedisgoodtoo #thriftstores #bookobsessed
My bookish friends I need some help deciding on what to read next. Pictured is the ones I am debating between. Give me your opinions please. ;)
Why can‘t books come like movies. Who else wants the copy for home and on the go? Waiting for the day this is a thing. #digitalcopy #somedayitllhappen
I keep looking at this book thinking I should read it. I am sure I‘ll bawl though so totally avoiding it. :p #sadbookprobs #wanttoreaditthough
Anyone who hasn‘t pick up this series needs to now!! One of my all time favorite. The story has a bit of everything romance, action, friendship, all mixed up in a big glass of fate. #wishtherewasmore #hilaryduffbooks #loveit
Today I just keep staring at these so I decided to share. :) This is probably one of my favorite buys they just look so pretty wherever you put them. #wizardofozlove
Because some days the books you want are ones you can color in. #coloringtopassthetime #wizardofoz #lovefabiana
Day trip choice. :p Trip to an amusement park calls for a new read to keep me entertained.
Anyone else‘s pets have the check out every book they bring home. :p #doggiereaders #thesesmellfunnymom #booksmell
What is better than 5 new books to make a bad day better. When they cost only 3 bucks. #newbooks #thriftbuys #neverendingtbr
I am loving my new book organizing app. It is so easy to use and I love being able to quickly access my books and seeing which I have read and what I need to read. #BookBuddylove #hugetbrpile #justkeepadding