Can you even imagine a time when reading was thought of as dangerous and unnatural for women! 'Have a break from her books?' The doctor sounds like more of a lunatic than his patients at the asylum in The Ballroom, please don't take away this poor woman's lifeline! #girlpower #womensrights #weneedbooks
EmmaPlum @bookworm-bobbie I'm afraid you may have to give up your library. I don't want you to suffer a breakdown! 8y
Bookworm-Bobbie @EmmaPlum If you take away my library I can assure you there will be a breakdown. What a load of ? ? people are intimidated by intelligent women, and so they should be "Libraries were full of ideas—perhaps the most dangerous and powerful of all weapons" ? 8y
EmmaPlum @Bookworm-Bobbie here here #girlpower 8y