This book has several poems that hit me hard. I wound up crying unexpectedly one morning reading this. That is the kind of intensity I love in poetry!
#poetry #writebloody
This book has several poems that hit me hard. I wound up crying unexpectedly one morning reading this. That is the kind of intensity I love in poetry!
#poetry #writebloody
Cristin O'Keefe Aptowicz is one of my favorite poets of all time. She confirms in this book that my love is warranted. #poetry #writebloody
The first three stanzas of this book confirm that I made the right decision. #poetry #writebloody
Favorite lines:
"We christened it with coffee spills." - 'Chrome Gravity'
"And somewhere, somebody turned a switch//and my city woke up without you." - 'Harrisburg'
"Whenever you write me a letter,/I treat myself to ice cream." - 'Side Effects'
#poetry #writebloody
Favorite lines:
"...you held me the way/you only hold something slipping." - 'During the Month It Took You to Leave Me:'
"...lonely in silence, she makes/every blinking eyelash/a collision." - 'One A.M.'
"...our love would spill like paint cans/across old wooden porches." - 'The Other Woman'
#poetry #writebloody
Select favorite lines:
"He is softer now, a treadless tire." - 'The Perm
"Your new girlfriend is pretty/like the cover of a cookbook." - 'Love, Forgive Me'
"This is the American dream:/to scream at the deaf." - 'The Microphone'
#poetry #writebloody
Some select favorite lines:
"Another is tree-friendly, its paper reincarnated from diaries of poets now graying in cubicles." 'If You Really Love a Writer'
"I build a piñata and she stuffs it with her freshly baked sweets as if packing the Trojan Horse with soldiers." 'The Runaways'
"Imagine receiving a letter doubting that you were real." 'God Talks Back'
#poetry #writebloody
For the people unsure if poetry is for them, I give you some select lines:
"Use negative space to wind a song/from the place on the dresser where a music box isn't." 'Write about an Empty Birdcage'
"...a world where scientists//blow up romance on the regular." 'Off-Screen'
"The volume at which we laughed was neon." 'It Should Be Said that We Looked Good Together" #poetry #writebloody