Very true to the book. I enjoyed seeing the graphics that went with the dialogue of the story. Very well done!
Very true to the book. I enjoyed seeing the graphics that went with the dialogue of the story. Very well done!
This book was so cute! I had no idea what to expect when I started reading it, and what I started reading I wasn‘t expecting at all, but it was such a cute read! I loved the overall message and the premise was such a great idea in terms of accepting someone for who they are no matter what. Totally recommend.
I definitely wasn‘t expecting the ending I got with this one! The Window was really good and it provided a lot of closure figuring out what exactly happened to Jess‘s twin sister Anna. It kept you guessing the whole way through to the end.
This book was just okay for me. I felt the characters were a little stereotypical and flat, there was no character growth with the main character. I was also expecting much more from the story, but I was able to guess the direction it was headed very early on. This is a good book to read however if you‘re just getting into YA mystery/thrillers as it‘s an easy and quick read.
I fricken loved this book!! It was so beautiful! Simon was such a hilarious and quirky character, his friends were all on point and his family was just so amazing and supportive. I would absolutely recommend this book to every body and I can‘t wait to see the movie.
This was so freaking good! I had a few problems with it as it‘s very politically heavy which was boring at times and some of the plot twists I saw coming but, overall it was a very fun and intriguing read, with a great cast of characters! I am very interested to see where Holly Black takes the series in book two.
Omg! I just finished this book minutes ago and will have a full review up on my blog (www.forthosewhoreadatnight.wordpress.com) on Friday but holy crap I can‘t believe this book or this series it‘s so good and quick to read and just wow! I need someone to talk to about this.