“The world will be saved and remade by the dreamers.” -Sarah J Maas
“The world will be saved and remade by the dreamers.” -Sarah J Maas
I absolutely hate this book. I watched the movies before I read the book. I loved the movies, so I expected the books to be equally as good. To me this book just felt, so lazy. I felt like the author had a great idea, going into the story, and then ran out of ideas, and just came up with the most random and unlikely things to happen. I didn‘t even really seem to be much of a climax. It all just kind of seemed boring.
I once saw a quote, “Asking a bookworm to pick a favorite book is like asking a mother to pick a favorite child: it changes from day to day.” Today my favorite book is Heir of Fire. The cadre and Aelin‘s…personality makes this book so fun to read. It‘s a lighter book before you get into the heavier stuff of the later books. It also helps you get to know Aelin a lot better and really shows you how much has been hidden from you during the series.
“You could rattle the stars. You could do anything, if only you dared. And deep down, you know it, too. That‘s what scares you most.” I love this quote so much! Personally it‘s just so inspiring and has helped me a lot in my day to day life. I hope it inspires every single one of you to go out and to live with the knowledge that you can do anything.