The robot from rocky 3 turns up in banjax volume 1
I‘ll be honest batman I think this may bite you and robin in the ass in the future!
The fly and the thug who gets toxic waste dumped on him in robocop appear in hulk goes to hell
The medic droid from Star Wars turns up in judge dredd toxic
Little wink to the Nick fury movie with the Hoff in it there!
Little wink to the Nick fury movie with the Hoff in it there!
Was fun to see frank Vincent, market ramone and brew grant likeness used in these books.
Man this book was more brutal than I was expecting it to be! Great though!
Love how dans best friend John appears as a blues brother here. Made me quite weepy!
I love what MST 3000 did with the comic book genre here.
I love what MST 3000 did with the comic book genre here.
This book was great but man as a new reader to it was I confused!
That time when Tintin kicked a bears behind like it ain‘t no thing!
Oh BMO you do make me chuckle 😂
This is a nice looking and informative children‘s book which any adult fan of myths will approve of 🙂
Stunning book with some great homages in it like marvels living vampire and brainiac!
Stunning book with some great homages in it like a transformer here.
Stunning book with some great homages in it like chewbacca here!
Stunning book with some great homages in it like superman Morpheus.
Love the art in this book. Such a sad story to .
I love love love this book. Not since the amalgamation universe or age of apocalypse have I had such fun seeing new superheroes 😁
I love love love this book. Not since the amalgamation universe or age of apocalypse have I had such fun seeing new superheroes 😁
I love love love this book. Not since the amalgamation universe or age of apocalypse have I had such fun seeing new superheroes 😁