Alexander Meowilton helping me read World War Z. I hope it doesn't give him nightmares.
Alexander Meowilton helping me read World War Z. I hope it doesn't give him nightmares.
Reading the unabridged version for the first time, and realized that Max Brooks has dated the book: The Ukrainians are evacuating to Crimea. Lol
@BrainyHeroine refers to this book as "The Carrot Book", because the first story told by one of the characters includes a kid using said veggie to peg himself. Too bad I don't have a physical copy of the book.
The math and nonchemistry science books for a B.Sc. in Chemistry. It's pretty rough, but the best way to understand the science.
The black binder is the loose leaf version of the Organic Chemistry text book. If they're visible, the two white binders are the binder versions of Intro to Nuclear Physics and Intro to Radiochemistry.
Just started reading this book today. Had no idea it was a text book.
There are times when Heller convolutes his book with language perhaps too high society for his target audience, but this book is a wonderful overview of perspectives on vaccines in America. The flaws of both sides of the argument are punctuated well, even as he only looks at correcting the flaws of the pro-vax side as a way to be more honest in order to convince those with legitimate confusion to get on board with vaccination of self and child.
"It's a miracle of science. It's a triumph of genetic engineering. It's the end of humanity."
Only on page six, and I already realize what it must be like for others to try to listen to me ramble about science. #selfawareness
When you start studying #chemistry at University, this is the most common first-year book to be used. Yes, I have kept them, and now that I am a #tutor, I am glad I did. Such a good reference.
It is gruesome and definitely inspires a fear of clowns like nothing else. Yes, there are disturbing scenes in the book no one would put on the screen, evenif they would be content with an NC-17 rating, but they are necessary to create the sense of how horrible the encounter with Pennywise is on the losers club, especially when compounded by their daily lives.
World War Z and its predecessor The Zombie Survival Guide do a good job setting up and describe a world where there's a global epidemic which has a human death toll comparable to the Black Death in the years surrounding 1350. The epidemic here is the disease which causes the transformation into a Zombie. Outside of direct dealings with zombies and its disease, it does well in describing different mentalities with survival in a minimal apocalypse.