Find on Barnes&Noble and Amazon. A must read! https://read.amazon.com/kp/kshare?asin=B08LN6DGRQ&id=pit7mfy3rvewdkwmfr6fvlkvta&...
Find on Barnes&Noble and Amazon. A must read! https://read.amazon.com/kp/kshare?asin=B08LN6DGRQ&id=pit7mfy3rvewdkwmfr6fvlkvta&...
This book was published November 2020. Very inspirational and informative. True story events that leave one saying, “Only God”. FREE READ https://read.amazon.com/kp/kshare?asin=B08LN6DGRQ&id=pit7mfy3rvewdkwmfr6fvlkvta&...
This book is an inspiration to so many hardships where there is the question of “why God”. This book is filled with true story events leaving each one who reads saying, “only God could have made this happen and if he could do these things for them, he can do it for me!”
"Many of us have asked the question: "Where is God in my situation?" In Miracles on the Cancer Journey, Debra Young Waller catalogs definitive proof that, yes, God is at work in our situations. Even in our most difficult times!!