Yay!!!!!! It's out!!!!! Yay!!!!!!
Ok I'll admit it- I love these books. And this one was certainly enjoyable. However...and I hate to say it but it felt like a filler/bridge book. No real big revelations. After learning in the last couple books about Toby's mothers past and her long lost sister and the curse Titania put on the Ludeaig.... This book didn't continue that overall story for me. It just showed me more happy, in love Toby who is almost indestructible. I want answers!!!
"Like me! OK, that is not really why I happened. I happened because my parents had sex." Hahaha!!! This novella about a baby god set in NK Jemisin's the hundred thousand kingdoms world is awesome. I am thoroughly enjoying myself!!
"Still... I could not help drinking in the view. It is important to appreciate beauty, even when it is evil."
#reread #secondtime #lovingit
Compulsively readable and hard to put down. I can't imagine I'd read it again but I think this will be one of those books that haunts me. The morality tale of "the road to hell is paved with good intentions". And a great reminder of how neurotic and self-absorbed and absorbing our social media can be. Is it really worth hurt feelings when someone doesn't follow you back? Careful- that way there be dragons.
This book is giving me anxiety! I feel the social media/work worlds closing in- it's a sense of suffocation, like drowning in a sea of people.
Sunday morning porch reading while babies nap! Not my usual fair of light scifi/ fantasy/romance (with 3 kids under 3 and a full time job I need escape). However this is a book club book for the new group I just joined in an effort to feel more like a human and not a mom/employee/wife robot. Wish me luck!
I am so so so excited for this book!!! I'll devour it and then read it again slowly to get all the details I've missed in the first run.❤️🦁🗡🔮
I'm in my 3rd re-read of this trilogy and I'm realizing that the reason I find it so compelling is Breq's all-encompassing grief, and her deep surprise at her own lovability. Lost and found love and identity.
I liked it! A fast, fun read. Nalini Singh is my favorite romance author - she always hits all the right notes for me. My favorites were "Echo of Silence" and "Dorian".