Such a fantastic journey through the life of Mister Rogers. It has not only affected the way I parent, but also my approach to ministry! It‘s a must read!
Such a fantastic journey through the life of Mister Rogers. It has not only affected the way I parent, but also my approach to ministry! It‘s a must read!
Such a fun, space-fantasy romp!
Such a wonderful, engaging read! Perfect for summer!
The park, my son, and a graphic novel . . . The perfect Sunday.
What do I do in the car line at school? Why, I read of course!
"I felt like even though I didn't have no warrants that he might make up something on me and send me into jail anyway." He clearly targeted women he thought would never come forward and accuse him. T.M. said later, "I didn't think nobody was going to believe me anyway. . . I'm a drug addict." Another victim, C.J., asked "Who are they going to believe? It's my word against his because I'm a woman and, you know, like I said, he's a police officer."
“Instead of hating the people you think are war-makers, hate the appetites and disorder in your own soul, which are the causes of war. If you love peace, then hate injustice, hate tyranny, hate greed - but hate these things in yourself, not in another.”