The story of Lenu and Lila continues. This truly is a radical novel in how it shines light on the acceptance of misogyny and sexism during the time period. It's difficult to see Lila struggle. However, Lenu continues to grow in more ways than one.
The story of Lenu and Lila continues. This truly is a radical novel in how it shines light on the acceptance of misogyny and sexism during the time period. It's difficult to see Lila struggle. However, Lenu continues to grow in more ways than one.
A marvelous tale that will suck you right into the world of post war Naples. You really start to feel for the characters and hoping that they will have better lives. The violence, particularly against women is difficult to read at times. The two female protagonists however are so beautifully written.
A bit simplistic but as a cat lover it was enjoyable.
JK Rowling is back with this masterfully created detective series! Love the character of Cormoran.