I really wanted to like this book but I was so disappointed. It was jumbled and confusing the way it jumped around from different characters and places.
Major parts of the book needed more explanation and development. It felt rushed and incomplete.
I really wanted to like this book but I was so disappointed. It was jumbled and confusing the way it jumped around from different characters and places.
Major parts of the book needed more explanation and development. It felt rushed and incomplete.
Not for the faint of heart!!! It‘s such an amazing read, especially for people in the lifeguard career field.
It‘s full of action, heroes, humble, and sadness. I went from laughing to crying the whole book. This is one of the very few books I would read again and again.
Loved this book! The beginning was slow but picked up quickly. I watched GND growing up and recently listened to the Girls Next Level podcast with Holly and Bridget.
This book is a great look into what Holly went through before, during, and after mansion life.
If you are a JFK or Kennedy family fan this is a MUST read!! Sometimes it was hard to read with all of the details but an amazingly written, breathtaking book
So gruesome but soooo good too! It was a good read.
Meh. It‘s a take or leave it kind of book. It‘s my least favorite triathlon inspired books.
I was super skeptical on his book. I had run across her page on Facebook when she did the “Help Helen Smash” and began watching her. Some of her posts began to get deeper and I learned more about her and her journey and I immediately wanted to buy her book.
Wow. She is an incredible woman. She and her husband are so@open and honest about addiction and their journeys. It‘s a breath of fresh air. It‘s a good, easy read with some heavy subjects.
Again, if you are a Below Deck fan this is one you will enjoy! Fun and easy read. It does more quicker and goes into different stories about how Kate got to Below Deck. I loved her on the show and I really enjoyed her book too.
Fun, easy read. If you watch Below Deck you will like this book. Some parts are extremely slow but it is a fun and easy read, especially if you are a Captain Lee fan.
It was a long read but a good read! It explained the inter workings of the Galveston hurricane. As someone who lived through Katrina and now Ida, it was a great book of tragedy, heroes, miracles, and the perfect storm.
He‘s THE voice of Ironman and it‘s awesome to hear his story on the journey of Ironman. Sometimes it moves a little slow but it was a great read into his life and his career.
Empowering doesn‘t even begin to describe this book! I love Chrissie Wellington and her story and her humble attitude. This book was icing on the cake.
So I‘m an idiot. I knew there was a movie on his but I didn‘t realize this was a true story! Wow. I never watched the movie but since I enjoyed “Into Thin Air” by Jon Krakauer I thought I would try this one even though I didn‘t think I would enjoy it as much. I was completely wrong!
After reading the book it sent me down the rabbit hole of researching this more. I was completely invested! 1000% would read again!
Easy read but it had me hanging on the edge of my seat. I wasn‘t able to put it down. Based on true events it had so many tragic details but it was a good read.
Such an amazing and uplifting story!!! It will make you believe that you can do anything you put your mind to like Sue did. So inspiring.
100% one of the best books I have read! I went through this book in about 2 days and just could not put it down! It‘s continues from her first book “Eat, Pray, #FML” and it leaves no stone unturned. I would read this again in a heartbeat!
It was good the first half but then got way too preachy at the end. Also the ending was, not really an swing. It just seemed unfinished or rushed.
It‘s a good book. It was kind of scattered and sometimes hard to follow and stay with but it had good information. I took some good away from it. The ending had me in tears.
I did like the book but it kind of jumped around a bunch. Sometimes it was hard to follow but it was an easy and fun read!
It took me 3 tries to read this book but during and after Hurricane Ida I needed something different. It can be a little preachy at times but I learned a ton from this and am now using it in my everyday life!
Such a roller coaster! I ordered it after hearing some of Gabrielle‘s story in TikTok and I started reading it on my flight to Boston and couldn‘t put it down! Seriously one of my favorite books I have read!