Martha Wells is one of my absolute favorite authors. I reread this series frequently, and this latest is another treasure--loved seeing Pearl and Malachite relate to each other!
Martha Wells is one of my absolute favorite authors. I reread this series frequently, and this latest is another treasure--loved seeing Pearl and Malachite relate to each other!
A very important work.
I think this book takes the right mindset, an ability to take the violence in a very Pirates of the Caribbean way and not too seriously. I couldn't manage to slip into that state of mind. (When the narrator was describing men as "throwaways" and was so indifferent to how many of her "worthless crew" she got killed, it would bother me inordinately.) I think a lot of people would enjoy the ruthless heroine, though (without taking it too seriously).
One of my favorite books. Love Derek and Bev so much and must have reread this a dozen times as a teenager. And still go back to it with the same pleasure.
The story of an absolutely fascinating woman, engagingly told. Some parts were repetitive after having read her own memoir (Front Line), but I'm glad I read both, Front Line for the pleasure of her own first person accounts, and this one for the additional more personal details her grand nephew is able to bring out.