I don't know if others love children's literature like I do, but this book and me go way back. And to find it at 37, after all the years of remembering the tears and joy, but not knowing it's name or author...well, the coincidence was astounding.
I don't know if others love children's literature like I do, but this book and me go way back. And to find it at 37, after all the years of remembering the tears and joy, but not knowing it's name or author...well, the coincidence was astounding.
This woman. NONE of her other series entice me. But the French detective? I can't not suck them down. He's what I wish I could be.
Coming late to this maniac. But so glad I chose this as my second dive. Truly funny.
This the best Hamlet since..... Hamlet. Read this book.
I'm part of a book club. Her name is Debbie. That's how many people I know who really really REALLY read the books I read. She recommended this and, of course, I loved it.
My goodness this woman drives me crazy. I can pick up a book and be spellbound. I can pick up a book and be frustrated enough to drop it. But when I'm captured, she has me and I'm hers.
This book had me
Loved this quick read. What a wonderfully illerative telling of his upbringing. And to say the setting is a main character would not be too much of a stretch, would it?
Great story line. Well written and funny. A little long and some devices too obvious.