An amazing fantasy series that is like nothing else I've ever read.
An amazing fantasy series that is like nothing else I've ever read.
It felt like it was a little slow to start but I loved this book. It was funny, smart and more about brains than brawn. It is quite light on the fantasy elements and much more grounded than your regular fantasy.
This is the first book I read from this author and I immediately went out to buy everything else he'd published once I'd read this. It's a great book from an amazing author.
I'm not entirely sure what I think of this book. The surrealist concepts were interesting and I liked them a lot but I'm just not sure the story really reached a satisfying conclusion.
I do have an amateurish interest in surrealist art and so many of the "manifs" were familiar to me but I just don't feel like I got the payoff I was expecting.
It's certainly not a bad book, but I'm not sure I can say it's a good one either.
I really enjoyed this book. It's an interesting premise and going through the whole book without ever seeing the "creatures" that were the cause of all the drama was kinda cool because it left everything to the imagination. I stumbled across this book by accident and it was well worth a read.
Halfway through and loving it. A great exercise in tension and anticipation.
First in a very good series of fantasy novels. It'd been sitting on my tbr pile for a while and it was so much better than I expected when I got to it. It will ultimately be a 5 book series with the last book "The Core" to be released in 2017 I believe. A very down to earth writing style and an unconventional fantasy universe with great characterisation.
Another fast-paced, action-packed instalment of the Jack West series.
Absolutely my favourite book ever.
Fantastic thriller and I'm very much looking forward to the next in the series.
Great thriller and first in a series starting the main character. If you're into fast-paced spy novels in the Bourne tradition then I think you'll enjoy this one.