50p second hand bargains found in a community shop in a pretty village. 🙂
A really powerful book about the difficulties faced when schools began to integrate as well as two girls' personal struggle with their sexuality. The main characters, Sarah and Linda, showed enormous growth and strength in learning to think for themselves and accept who they were, even when that would lead to conflict with their family and friends.
#adolescence #courage #racism #school #teenagers #lgbtq
"No one should have to do what we did this year, but someone has to. If we don't, nothing will ever change.
This is how it works. Someone has to sacrifice. Or nothing will get better for any of us."
"If you're going to stand up in a stage in front of a crowd of angry white people, you might as well look pretty while you do it."
Little Rock Desegregation 1957
This photo was taken by Will Counts and is considered, by the Associated Press, as one of the top 100 photographs of the 20th century. The photo shows fifteen-year-old Elizabeth Eckford being taunted as she attempts to enter high school. Elizabeth was one of the students, known as the Little Rock Nine, who were initially prevented from entering racially segregated Central High School, in Arkansas.
Enjoying a relaxing afternoon reading in my garden.
Read up to p.78. So far, a harrowing reminder of how hard desegregation was and the courage of children.