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Joined September 2019


Character Focus*: What choices has the character made thus far? Do you agree with their decision?
So, far the character has made a big choice of deciding to walk a long, a very long fence everyday to talk with his new “friend“. This was due to his family's recent movement, which caused him to have no friends in the new area he lived in. I agree with the decision because all he wanted was social interaction. A way to stay sane, which I understand.


Fiction: In another place or time, how would the story change? Where else could the story take place?

I believe, that if you took this story and put into anywhere else in time, that story would already be present. What I mean by this, is the historical accuracy in the sense of how Jews were discriminated against simply because of their race is still present. Black Lives matter for example, it started because they were discriminated against.


What do you notice about the writing - the way the author wrote? In the passage I read, the writer included more descriptive writing. The author was describing the new place Bruno had found himself in (a house outside of a concetration camp). He provided extra detail when Bruno had challenged his father about where they lived and why, as well as when Bruno and Gretel (his sister) were gazing out Brunos window at the people withhin the camps.


Non-Fiction:When reading parts of the passage I was confused on exactly why someone would mess with her transcripts, until I realized it was because she was poor; they didn't do it out of revenge or hatred.

Fiction: I would say the main character taught me the most. She taught me that even when it seems like you're in over your head, their's always a way out.


😁Fiction: This book teaches you that life isn't always fair. It teaches it in a brutal way of a highschooler who ( we think) had her transcripts tampered with, so she wouldn't be accepted into any university of college.

Non-Fiction: No, not at all. The author rights it from a viewpoint of someone having their transcript messed with and with how anyone would react. It's doesn't have bias and is simply made for you to believe what you wish. 😁


Are there any connections between this book and your own life?
- Yes. I'm a person who cares very much about there grades and where there future will end up and from what I have read so far, the main character cares a lot about her grades and what colleges she will be accpeted into.

How do these connections help you understand the characters or the conflict?
- Because I feel the same way I can understand where she is coming from.

Wild Bird | Wendelin Van Draanen
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Genre: Young adult ficiton, Adventure ficition
Date Started: Dec 13th, 2019
Date Completed: Dec 14th, 2019
How did you choose this book: I needed one last book to read to finish the milestone of reading 7 books. So I simple chose a random book that looked intreseting.
Summary: A troubled young girl steals, smokes, and drinks. Her parents have tried everything except one final soultion to help there daughters problems. Will it work?

Grenade | Alan Gratz
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Gerne: Fiction, War story
Date Started: Nov 30th, 2019
Date Completed: Dec 11th, 2019
How did you choose this book: When reading Allies I found this book as recommened on the back of it; so I deicided to read it.
Summary: The book talks about a young boys life, during WW2, in Okinawa Japan. It talks about the boys during through the war and all the hard desicions he is faced with. Will he make it out alive or will he die trying?

LibrarianRyan Which did you like better Grenade or Allies? Have you read Refugee? 5y
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Allies | Alan Gratz
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Gerne: Historically Ficition, War story
Date Started: Nov 20th, 2019
Date Completed: Nov 30th, 2019
How did you choose this book: I've took a liking to every book Alan Gratz has writing, so when I found this one, I knew I had to read it
Summary: Nations group together to take back the world from the Nazis. One day being the start of it all; D-Day. This books is about D-Day and all of the soilders who died in ww2.

Prisoner B-3087 | Alan Gratz, Jack Gruener, Ruth Gruener
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Gerne: Biographical Fiction
Date Started: Nov 1st, 2019
Date Completed: Oct 11th, 2019
How did you choose this book: I was browsing through books from Alan
Gratz when I stubbled across this book and took a liking to it
Summary: The book is about a jewish boy at the time of ww2. It's about his journey through over 8 different concentration camps, with him being the last one to keep his family name alive. Will he live through the war?

Refugee | Alan Gratz
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Genre: Fiction
Date Started: September 17th, 2019
Date Completed: Oct 5th, 2019
How did you choose this book: I choose this book because I have always enjoyed reading books by Alan Gratz and this was just another opportunity to read one.
Summary: The book revolves around three different characters in three different time lines: Josef (1939), Isabel (1994), and Mahmoud (2015). It talks about their struggles during their current time period.

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Genre: Young Adult ficition
Started the book: Wed, Sep 11th
Finished the book: Mon, Sep 16th
Why I wanted to read it: I looked up books related to the outsiders, as I found the outsiders very intreseting, and found this one.
Summary: The book is about two boys who have been closer then brothers ever since Marks parents had killed eachother. They grow together, until one night chchanges both of their lives forever.

May14 The cover of this book is most certainly captivating. I would definitely want to read it! (edited) 5y
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