Europe divided into two by the fearful iron wall and the fear between people.
Europe divided into two by the fearful iron wall and the fear between people.
A great novel about youth, identity, meaning of sex and family. Just wanted more and to know what actually happens to adult callie
You create what you eat have never felt more true.
The addition to dating through a 30 year old Swedish woman. It gives a view of how dating becomes a thing of its own rather than finding someone or being someone someone else wants to find.
Interesting view on how we handle crisis and problems in a union. Also an intersection view of the members in the union.
This book is not written for me. I‘m a woman and the purpose of this book is both to communicate with men and discuss toxic masculinity. It is straight answers to violence and harmful systems and happenings that we should not except and especially it men.
An interesting introduction to monster studies, horror culture and meaning and being of monsters.
The characters seem to me far from reality with both their personality and their setting and success. It is to me hard to see how Jude got the friends and family he gets through out the story without ever sharing anything about himself, taking part in anything and being afraid of physical touch. Maybe thats the point of the story as well, to be a bit schizophrenic. To show the contradicting sides of being mentally ill and having family.
I found this book quite interesting. That it is so obvious how linked the public health spending especially in crisis is to health and death. It is terrifying that world leaders are not held more accountable for their actions especially when there are numbers and studies backing up what they should do rather then what they do.
Painfully true about the defunding of the public sector and how it affects the people in it.
A story of death, family and changes. This book is truly unique and well worth the time to read.
A story that takes you along on some aspects of growing up and being a woman. I do not feel that the author judges or moralise over the incidents and feelings and gives room for just reading the story on your own.
Read this book in Swedish. it is interesting when you also live north (not as far as the arctic though) to read about the perception of darkness, fear and needs of humans.
It is a well written ghost story. Perfect for dark winter nights.
Entertaining and easy to read but only scratch the surface on sexual assault, power and corruption
Laughed so much reading this one but the end leaves a bitter aftertaste.
Interesting observations about how big changes in the Swedish school system has had effects far beyond the school walls.
Makes you think what is really worth something in life and what you would do if you had or willingly would give up a lot of your daily life for a very different one.
Interesting reasoning about food, production and climate and the complexity that comes with it for politics and citizens. The book is written from a Swedish perspective but also with a global analysis.
Interesting and makes you think about the bigger picture. We need to see some more political work in this area for a secure future.
Sorg över förändring men saknar djupare analys och konkreta åtgärdsförslag.
En fängslande historia med karaktärer som man tar till sig i en vanlig svensk småstad.
Vad händer egentligen när vi slutar vara vänliga mot varandra och rädslan tar över.
I'm sorry but this book is as interesting as reading about the spice girls characters. All are stereotype and without personality. The story goes from nothing to nowhere.
Hur en fungerande verksamhet kan bli ett myller av korruption, felaktiga beslut och ingen som tar ansvar.
En okritisk genomgång av livsmedelsindustrins framväxt inom ett antal områden såsom socker, bröd, öl och ketchup.
Ett perspektiv och levnadshistoria med inslag av genrationer och svenskt 90-tal
Stanna hos mig är gripande och hjärtskärande men fylld av humor och värme samt en sällsam blandning av nya och gamla traditioner.