At 208 pages and a paranormal crime thriller, this book will pack a quick punch and knock you back into reading. I wish it had been longer, I want more of Holly Craig! It also clocks in at just a couple hours and was just published yesterday! .
At 208 pages and a paranormal crime thriller, this book will pack a quick punch and knock you back into reading. I wish it had been longer, I want more of Holly Craig! It also clocks in at just a couple hours and was just published yesterday! .
I L O V E children & YA fantasy reads!!! Crowns of Croswald was such a sweet and captivating novel. Books like this just make me feel warm and fuzzy. The author took a lot of time and care creating this magical world and the writing was descriptive but maintained a fast and action packed pace which made it so enjoyable to read. I definitely recommend this series for ya!
I liked this but heard it is Ware‘s best; my only issue was that the “bad guy” totally just gave the main character Lo the whole story. I would have liked to see more detective work to a reveal, rather than a just bang here‘s the whole situation. Otherwise was good and the surprises are all the way to the end.
So as a teen one of my fav books was “my sister Sif” which was like an environmental literary with islander myths woven in-
Well upgrading from YA to adult I give you Three Ways to die! Drama, love, mystery, conservation, culture, kinship, tigers!!!!
I freaking love this. Was gifted an ebook ARC but have preordered a hard copy it was that good!
If you want to dip your feet into aboriginal storytime this is the perfect place to do it.
Real opinion- if you are not interested in anything to do with the first Aussies or story time styled stories, don‘t you dare touch this book. You won‘t like it and you will give it a bad review that it doesn‘t deserve -.-
Author took a lot of care and attention to detail with this! Was transported to Dreamtime