Would definitely recommend to anybody into the sci-fi genre. Especially if the possiblitly of multiple universes excites you.
Would definitely recommend to anybody into the sci-fi genre. Especially if the possiblitly of multiple universes excites you.
I honestly could barely put this book down. It's about losing somebody and the memories you have associated with that person. It's about realizing that the pieces you remember are always different from those who are also remembering. Finally, it's about young love.
"I can't help thinking that we're more than the sum total of our choices, that all the paths we *might* have taken factor somehow into the math of our identity."
"We are all just wandering through the tundra of our exsistence, assigning value to worthlessness, when all that we love and hate, and all that we believe in and fight for and kill for and die for is as meaningless as images projected onto Plexiglas. "