A big procedural with a small town feel. The freezing Iowa winter takes on a life all its own. 💨🌨I had fun with this one!
A big procedural with a small town feel. The freezing Iowa winter takes on a life all its own. 💨🌨I had fun with this one!
This is my muse for Warrior, Thomal Costache, who Toni refers to as "Nurse Fine-Ass" in THE BLOODLINE WAR. How apt, right?
Hmmm, might have to consider using this image as a screen saver...
Loving snarky, badass PI Elvis Cole in this debut. I've had quite a few out loud chuckles.
And apparently Elvis looks like John Cassavetes...
Inspiration for the heroine in my military romantic suspense novel, BEYOND THE CALL OF DUTY, was the lead singer of The Pussycat Dolls, Nicole Scherzinger, who is 1/2 Hawaiian and 1/2 Filipino. My heroine, DEA Agent Nicole Gamboa, is 1/2 Hawaiian and 1/2 Colombian.
Loving Dick Francis' thriller books about English steeplechase racing. Written in a British voice, but with a hard-boiled edge. NERVE has the *best* most exciting final race scene ever! 🏇!!
My Muse for the hero lieutenant, Eric O'Dwyer, in BEYOND THE CALL OF DUTY.... Little wonder I was so motivated!
Ah, back in the day when authors could spend *chapters* on character development... It's been fun to pick up this classic.
When two rival sides of the Mafia meet: "What I was seeing was essentially a grown-up, gangsterized version of I-Know-You-Are-But-What-Am-I conducted by people with an eighth grade education." Just one of several LOL moments Watson provides in what is otherwise a dark, edgy tale.
Just finished reading this--awesome! This isn't a romance (although there is an intense love scene), but rather an edge-of-your-seat thriller. Yes, there's violence, but all of those scenes are integral to the plot. The whole book is written superbly, but the fight sequences are just outstanding!!