I loved it! It was so awesome, I could not stop reading it.
I loved it! It was so awesome, I could not stop reading it.
First of all, this book was boring as hell almost 50% the other half was just a little bit interesting but not that much, maybe just the last four or five chapters were really interesting.
Then, okay it end is an open one because it has a second part but I didn't like that way of ending it, I mean it makes you want to know what happens next but however I think that's not the way to end a book.
"I think we are here to discover ourselves so that we can do something important with our lives. I don't think we're meant to fit in; I think we are meant to stand out. I don't think we are meant to be like anyone else"
Y era maravilloso, extraordinario, despertarse por la mañana y vivir prósperamente hasta altas horas de la noche, y así un año tras otro.
It is another YA distophy but it is however interesting. Some times it awesomed me but some others it was really predictable.
At first it bored me, but at the end I can't stop reading