Informative and written in a way that any novice to the subject could pick it up and read.
Informative and written in a way that any novice to the subject could pick it up and read.
Read for a WWII class. This book highlights the terror that characterized even the average Germans‘ experiences during Nazi rule. The magnitude of even the smallest of resistance in the face of potential execution and surviving to tell the tale is a major feat.
All I can say is “wooooooow.” I am not a gay man, but I can soundly say, even in light of that, this book is so relatable to the human condition and beautifully written. BRB currently telling everyone I know to read this.
Not a perspective you get often in the Western world, but an important one to humanization.
I admire Erik Larson‘s interesting retellings of true, historical events, in a way that resembles fiction. After reading The Devil in the White City first, this one was decidedly more name & date heavy, but overall a story of a well-known time through an unexpected perspective.
I mean, you‘re not going to get the answer you may want, but it was a well-written book. Entertaining exploration. “Pick” for what it is!
Was reading this for a book club and was nicely surprised at this one! Weaves together well. Definitely a page-turner. Dealt with interesting topics that YA books in my youth didn‘t deal with. Loved it!
I liked the format of the short chapters. The story was compelling, but I supposed I wanted more buildup to the ending. I was finding it hard to believe there would ever be a future for Korede and Tade after Ayoola, so in a sense it was predictable. Would really like to see a follow up book to this!
Emotionally taxing, but so much to unpack. Each sentence has so much impact. It was good, but was difficult to digest - trauma is never easy to read.
Had to read for a global cultural anthropology class, but it was extremely informative regarding the Yanomamo‘s way of life from the 60s-90s.
Used for my own book club rec, I hadn‘t read much on it besides it had been placed in the “horror” genre. It definitely was a whimsy read, something I felt I would have loved as a YA (a mature YA, that is). I wish it would have been scarier, but what can ya do? I definitely felt some things went unexplained, like Blue‘s obsession with the Nazis (what gives?), but overall, it was a good read.
Amazing! Recommended by a past world lit professor, I cannot thank him enough for this book. Powerful. Sad. Wonderful! It explains the various women in the narrator‘s life and how he processes how each cope with the trials and tribulations of East vs West culture shift. A longing sense to find one‘s identity amidst conflicting ideologies.
Like most Sedaris books, I‘m left laughing for hours. This one was no different. It unfortunately added extra envy with all the places he talks about having travelled to - not being great to read about when you‘re stuck in quarantine and wanting nothing more than to travel and get out of the house. Nevertheless, another comedy masterpiece.
Read for Criminal Evidence college project, but was excited to read it as the case is a doozy regardless. It was interesting to hear the prosecution‘s side of the story, although Martinez comes off a bit braggadocious at times and the arrogance is a bit offputting to continue through. Overall, it explores the details of the case and the various evidence and strategies used in the court. If you‘re interested in true crime, it‘s still a solid read!
Had started this one a long while ago and by the time I picked it back up, I had forgotten where I was, so I just started it over again. Sedaris always has the ability to make me laugh so hard, I‘m doubled over, and this one was no exception. The chapter “I Almost Saw This Girl Get Killed,” despite its gruesome headline, was hilarious. Highly recommend.
Sad, but powerful. Was a recommendation from my World Lit professor - meant to explore East/West connections, but ended up paralleling my life in many unexpected ways. Definitely needed some time to collect my thoughts after this one, but isn‘t that the best?
This book left me feeling quiet, in a good, reflective way. The way the story was told - to a stranger at a restaurant - was peculiar... not sure I liked that approach as often as it was confronted, but it was interesting regardless. The book offered perspective in a way that is not usually attended to. Uneasy ending, but one that leaves the reader only further intrigued.
The stories were extremely well written, but almost always felt like they were cut short just shy of a big reveal. I wish Herzog would continue! I loved them all!
The cadence began to make sense as the story unfolded. I enjoyed how the first story rolled into the next, though it was not completely clear that was the angle at first. It was an enjoyable read with a touching ending.
Going in without much background info, I quickly realized that the chapters were different takes on familiar stories, such as the mermaid who trades her tail for legs or the “Beauty” who lives with a “Beast.” The text seemed a bit forced - over explanatory, but not in a way that made me ditch it. It was entertaining for what it was.