A fun read. Love the mashup of several modern franchises with a little bit of history. Looking forward to the sequel.
A fun read. Love the mashup of several modern franchises with a little bit of history. Looking forward to the sequel.
I read this off a recommendation of Angela Collier's YouTube, and it was a good one.
This one was wasn't as good as the first. Still good, but not quite as good as I remember it being.
It's a classic that I had to re-read.
It's a story. Early in her writing career, so I am looking forward to getting into her more mature writings.
This is just arrived and took over my "I'm reading"
When I was born, the Apollo missions were coming to an end, but the Space Race captured my attention. I found Ms Teitel's YouTube channel a few months ago (Srsly, how did I not know about this?) The library called after a couple of weeks of waiting. Gonna crack it open while my sick kid naps. 🚀
I loved this book as a kid. My dad loved reading it to me. He could probably still recite it, 40 years later.
I grew up in a funeral home, so the stories about the death industry brought back lots of memories. We try to hide our mortality and death when it should be a part of our life. This book starts to make the idea of our deaths more comfortable topic of discussion.
Took four attempts, and I almost finished it (the 77 page masturbatory speech). Originally, I wanted to like it, but I came to realize how poorly written and how flimsy its ideology and characters truly are.
The better the vaccine, the more abstract the disease it targets becomes.
How parasites have more influence on your life than you think.
The meaning of life is that it ends. —Kafka
Death isn't happening to you. Death is happening to us all.