"Man was born free. And he is everywhere in chains. Those who think themselves the masters of others are indeed greater slaves than they."
"Man was born free. And he is everywhere in chains. Those who think themselves the masters of others are indeed greater slaves than they."
"How rich art is, if one can only remember what one has seen, one is never empty of thoughts or truly lonely, never alone."
A compliation that reveals the inner struggles of an extraordinary artist that evokes curiosity, inspiration and sadness.
What an awesome finale to an awesome trilogy! All 3 books were so much fun and excitement, I absolutely loved it!
I guess I should say I "conquered" this book rather than read it. My biggest challenge this year was to finish this tome, piece by piece, and I am glad that I did! There are really some amazing gems in there that I had never heard of.
This is by no means an easy read, but fascinating none the less.
(Poe-ka dot socks from @owlcrate )
"Sisters in battle, I am shield and blade to you. As I breathe, your enemies will know no sanctuary. While I live, your cause is mine."
Yes yes yesss! A great, action packed book full of the power of female friendships, fit for the legend that is Wonder Woman!
100 Essential Novels Scratch-Off Chart
So far, I have only read 21/100, which means that I still have an amazing (and ever expanding) TBR list. What an awesome challenge!
Spookathon time!
This will be my first time participating in #Spookathon, and I am very excited!
A thriller: Normal by Warren Ellis
Based off of a childhood fear: Come to Dust by Bracken MacLeod
Spooky word in the title: Bleed by Ed Kurtz
Orange on the cover: Sleepy Hallow and other short stories by Washington Irving (Rock Paper Books Owlcrate edition)
Spooky setting: Ghostland - An American History in Haunted Places by Colin Dickey (audiobook)
"I felt the strangling tendrils of a cancerous horror whose roots reached into illimitable pasts and fathomless abysms of the night that broods beyond time."
The perfect book to get into the Spooktober mood. Every story is chilling, filled to the brim with a beautifully sinister atmosphere and a curious horror.
(Sighisoara, Romania)
"But were they truly victims? If they made a deal, knowing fully what they were trading for a wish - - but then again, could a person ever truly know the consequences of giving away their heart?"
You take delight not in a city's seven or seventy wonders, but in the answer it gives to a question of yours.
(Venice, Italy)
"We're not courting trouble," I say. "Flirting with it, at most.”
Making the most of the precious last days of summer with this fun, silly adventure!
(Lugano, Switzerland)
"I am me because I choose to be me. I am what I want. Some people say you have to find yourself. Not I. I believe we create ourselves to be what we want."
I adore the main character in this book! She is awesome, and the banter is hilarious!! I didn't really need the fantasy plot twist to be honest, but I am rolling with it. Definitely will pick up the second book.
(Genoa, Italy)
This book completely hooked me by its cover. I mean, just look at it. 😍
Although I have a few words to say to the author (side eye), overall, this book was great and very enjoyable as a historical evolution on the appearance and portrayal of the comic book heroines. But just for a heads up, expect more fashion, fantasy and history, and less of feminism.
(The amazing funko pop and the exclusive mini candle are from @owlcrate )
Reading a fast paced novel set in freezing Iceland in a warm park in Paris.