Just reading a little Audre Lorde at Barnes & Noble while drinking an iced coffee. As one does. (Also, why is the poetry section stuck in the corner by the bathrooms? Bad form.)
Just reading a little Audre Lorde at Barnes & Noble while drinking an iced coffee. As one does. (Also, why is the poetry section stuck in the corner by the bathrooms? Bad form.)
Reserved The Collector from the library for book club and apparently got one of the oldest copies available. Also, not gonna lie. This is not a genre I love. This coming from someone who couldn't get through American Psycho. I'll give it a shot though! 💪
"But humming through me like a third rail was poetry, the myth that if I could shuffle the right words into the right order, I could get my story straight, write myself into an existence that included the company of sacred misfit poets whose pages had kept me company as a kid." ?
I've had this on my bookshelf for a while now. Always intrigued by the secret lives of others and how they came to be the way they are.
This was an extremely gripping read. I quickly fell in love with both Charlotte and Callie. The writing was beautiful and the story was also beautiful-- in a sad sort of way. Definitely a must read.