Feeling grateful a previous reader let me know where the exciting part was!
Feeling grateful a previous reader let me know where the exciting part was!
"Pray do not corrupt the cats with poetry." -Ada Lovelace and George Elliot in this alternate reality analytical engine (steam-powered computer)
"...the Pocket Universe in which Lovelace and Babbage live to complete the Analytical Engine, and naturally use it to HAVE THRILLING ADVENTURES and FIGHT CRIME!!"
My #fridayreads has sisters, a road trip that is also a retelling of The Odyssey, and lots of elements from Mexican and Aztec culture and folklore
Trying to finish A Gathering of Shadows before it expires and the library takes it away!
How many times have I looked at this cover and not realized there was a woman behind the pattern???
A very serious, important book for #Fridayreads
Found my original copy of Harry Potter while going through the books I've left at my parents' house. Notice the taped spine to keep if from falling apart when I read it over and over
"Meow," I said, lifting branches to look under the bushes. "Come here, cat. You wouldn't want to destroy the space-time continuum, would you? Meow. Meow."
Getting to the end of Fire Watch. The titular story is still our favorite
My #fridayreads is Citizen, even though the author event I was going to was pushed back. Powerful book so far