The prose was interesting, but didn't really make the food sound appetizing.
The prose was interesting, but didn't really make the food sound appetizing.
This was quick and informative. As nonfiction goes, it was an easy read, and interesting enough.
This is definitely fluff, but it's well written fluff. The title doesn't make any sense, given the bookshop is in a mobile van, not on a corner. However, the book quickly imparts a sense that everything is going to be fine, which makes it a great read for stressful times.
I was expecting something lighter than this. I had stalked it from hardback into paperback, confident from a book tuber review. The beginning had so much patriarchy--men critiquing and leering at the protagonist, men objectifying female employees--which was not the escape I needed from Trump's most recent comments. That being said, the plot twist picked up the tempo considerably and was done thoughtfully