"Our mobile devices seem to grant three wishes, as though gifts from a benevolent genie: first, that we will always be heard; second, that we can put our attention wherever we want it to be; and third, that we will never have to be alone."
"Our mobile devices seem to grant three wishes, as though gifts from a benevolent genie: first, that we will always be heard; second, that we can put our attention wherever we want it to be; and third, that we will never have to be alone."
This book appeals to a wide range of readers--toddlers who will love the animals and nature scenes, children learning patience, and adults who know the ache of waiting & hoping. The soft colors, subtle details, & white space are really lovely.
Well, this isn't going where I expected! I am trying to decide if I think the premise is contrived or not...but either way, I can't put it down. Moyes knows how to develop characters, for sure.
I keep running through all my favorite books, trying to decide if any of them compare to this. I don't think they do. This is the best book I've ever read--beautifully written, engaging, unique. I'm obsessed.