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Joined April 2016

Currently living in New Jersey but soon moving to PA to open a bookstore!
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The Dutch House by Ann Patchett
The Dutch House | Ann Patchett
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Here is my #bookspin list for July! I‘m really excited for everything on my list. Two of the books I already finished today, so maybe they‘ll be on the same row once the board comes out tomorrow!

I tagged one of the books on my list because I am only an hour into the audiobook and I‘m loving it so far. Tom Hanks, please read all my books to me!

Assistant to the Villain | Hannah Nicole Maehrer
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I‘m so glad I stuck with this one, and now I need the sequel! For the first few chapters on audio, I was really not liking this. But as soon as I switched to print the characters really came to life. I love how much of a badass Evie is while also being cute and lusting over her boss. And the Villain‘s inner monologue is really cute too. The book is campy and fun and at times gross (just for shock value) and has heart. 💗 But what a cliffhanger!

Katie the Catsitter | Colleen AF Venable
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Ha, what a fun graphic novel! Katie wants to go to summer camp with her friends, so she raises money by doing odd jobs in her apartment building. When she starts cat sitting (for her neighbor‘s 200+ cats!) things get zany, especially when super heroes get involved. I would read more of this series. 😋

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I went with this one for my July #botm because I‘ve heard great things! It sounds like a book I‘ve read before but we‘ll see how this author covers that topic. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Sociopath: A Memoir | Patric Gagne
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Very interesting! I‘m glad I read this book as I didn‘t know much about sociopathy.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks This one was very interesting 🤔 1d
Leftcoastzen 😻👏 1d
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I‘m glad I finally read one of Hazelwood‘s books! I liked the academia setting and a lot of the banter. The FMC annoyed me in some ways but overall I thought it was a good book.

mcctrish I do like the banter too 3d
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Oh, Phoebe and Marigold. 💗💗💗

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I thought this was good but not great. A middle schooler named Gemma who is 6 feet tall struggles to fit in at school and is shouldering taking care of her family since her mom left. She and her brother really love baseball, and that‘s at the heart of this graphic novel. I didn‘t really connect to the characters, and the whole thing was a bit bleak. But not bad. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Sincerely, Harriet | Sarah Winifred Searle
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What an unusual, nuanced graphic novel. There‘s nothing juvenile or simple about this story. No easy morals or cliches. It‘s a story about a teenager named Harriet whose family has just moved, and how she spends the days while her parents are working multiple jobs. The circumstances are revealed slowly and even at the end there is a lot that isn‘t spelled out. I would recommend this for adults as well as teens. Very thought provoking.

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It‘s always a good time for a little Phoebe and her Unicorn. 💗💗💗 Just such a delight.

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As much as I love Everything, Everything and The Sun is Also a Star, this book didn‘t do it for me. For 75% of the book it was slow and one dimensional. The preachy main character annoyed me and the plot was stagnating. Then at the end it suddenly took a surreal, horrifying turn which certainly woke me up but was completely out of sync with the rest of the book. I think there was a good book in this idea, but I wasn‘t a fan of the execution.

The Spellshop | Sarah Beth Durst
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Thanks for hosting this fun giveaway! I saw reviews of the tagged book on Litsy and was intrigued by its comparison to Legends and Lattes, so I would love to check it out! 💗💗
@TheSpineView #twofortuesday #tuesdaygiveaway

TheSpineView Good luck 🤞 5d
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Close to Death: A Novel | Anthony Horowitz
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Oh Anthony Horowitz, how I love your books! 😋 I just consistently enjoy his mysteries and this one, the 4th in the Hawthorne series, was no exception. I do think it‘s best to read them in order for context, but that just means you have more to enjoy if you‘re new to the series! 💗

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 6d
HeatherBookNerd Love this series 6d
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I expected to love this- especially as someone wanting to open a bookstore!- but I was so disappointed. I felt like there was a heavy curtain hanging between me and the characters, and I just couldn‘t connect to them. The writing felt so stiff and removed. Maybe it was the translation? I just don‘t know. A lot of it seems heavy handed or moralistic about the topic of how to live a good life. It was just boring and flat.

bookandbedandtea Thanks for this review! I had this stacked but not any longer! 1w
LiteraryinLawrence @bookandbedandtea I hope I don‘t steer you wrong! It seems like everyone else loves it… 🤷🏻‍♀️ 1w
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Something to Talk About | Meryl Wilsner
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This was cute! It was a very slow burn, as others have pointed out. I liked it overall!

Greta & Valdin: A Novel | Rebecca K Reilly
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I acquired these 3 lovelies over the weekend! The Stacy Willingham is due to the generosity of @ImperfectCJ and their #clearmyshelvesgiveaway! Sooo nice! And the other 2 I bought at a great indie bookstore in Lancaster, PA called Pocket Books. Love that place. The owners do a great job of recommending books, and both of these were among their Pride Picks. I‘m almost done with my job so I can read these guilt-free! Almost… 😋

ImperfectCJ Woohoo! So glad it arrived safe and sound! 2w
CarolynM I adored Greta & Valdin. Hope you enjoy it too. 2w
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Finding Sophie | Imran Mahmood
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This book was bleak. Just relentless. I wasn‘t a fan but I did finish it to see what happened. Now I feel really depressed! I need a palette cleanser!

RaeLovesToRead Once I've finished Ducks, I'm gonna be reading palette cleansers for months, I reckon... 2w
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Hmm. This felt a little like a bait and switch, like the story started as one thing and then veered off course in a less interesting direction. It wasn‘t a home run for me, though I usually like this author a lot.

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 3w
Leftcoastzen Awww!😻 3w
BarbaraBB That‘s a pity. I just read my first Swanson and enjoyed it a lot. 3w
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Oh no!!! I‘m reading the second one in this series! 3w
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A friend just gave this to me as a congrats-on-leaving-your-job-to-start-a-bookstore present! It looks so awesome! She and I have similar reading tastes. Has anyone read it?

Sace I want it for the title alone 😂 4w
Librarybelle I‘m reading it right now! I‘m loving it so far!! 4w
mabell I missed that news! How exciting! Congratulations! 4w
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Crazeedi The title draws me in, if @Librarybelle likes it I'm definitely stacking!! 4w
SpellboundReader Good luck with your bookstore. I hope it goes well! Also, I haven't read this book but it seems to be popular right. 4w
vlwelser That book is super cute. I was hoping it would be a series. 4w
Aimeesue I‘m reading it now, and really enjoying it. 💙Gussie💙 4w
Scochrane26 I‘ve seen it online & think I would like it. 4w
iread2much This looks lovely and yay on your new adventure! 3w
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Oof. This was well done but disturbing! About a third of the way in I almost closed the book because some of the scenes were too much for me, but I ended up reading on through to the end. I need a palate cleanser after this, like a rom com.

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The Truth about the Devlins | Lisa Scottoline
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I was unimpressed. The book started off holding my attention but then veered off into mediocrity. I don‘t want to be overly harsh, but the plot became really far fetched and also overly saccharine. And the main character is super into cars, which is fine, but the narration often read like an extended car chase. I just wasn‘t a fan.

Talent for Murder | Peter Swanson
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#BOTM books are live!!!

I‘m surprised because it‘s 2 days early, but yay! I‘m going with the Peter Swanson thriller. I always like him and wasn‘t tempted by the other choices this month. What are y‘all picking?

MittenGirlPeach Ooohhhh! I went with Margo‘s got money troubles. 1mo
JamieArc Didn‘t realize they were already live! Awesome! 1mo
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Family Family: A Novel | Laurie Frankel
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As a big fan of Laurie Frankel, my verdict for this one is: good but not great. Frankel always writes about family in a compelling way, but I found her to be more didactic than usual (especially the end). And while I loved the witty writing style, it felt like everyone- adults, kids, etc- had the same voice. It was sort of like Aaron Sorkin (💗) dialogue: clever and snappy but a little too perfect to feel believable.

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Fun! I read, liked, and didn‘t really remember the first Ffion Morgan book, and this one was good too! About a morally bereft and totally believable reality tv show that involves contestants living together on a mountain in Wales… that happens to be in Ffion‘s town. Then crimes happen! I wish I knew how to pronounce the Welsh phrases in my head!

All Systems Red | Martha Wells
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A friend recommended the tagged series to me and it will kick off my Bookspin reading list for June! I‘m really excited about all the books on the list… which means that I will probably want to change it in about half an hour. 😋 Right @BennettBookworm ?

Bookmark is part of a bookish pack. This one says Books are Yoga for the Mind.

TheSpineView Love that pencil and it is my favorite color! 💜✏️ 1mo
BennettBookworm Hehe!! 1mo
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I‘ve been working on a big life change for several months… next month I‘m leaving my career in education after 19 years to open a bookstore!!!

I‘m soooo excited! I‘ve been taking classes so I‘m now a “certified frontline bookseller,” shadowing bookstore owners, and doing a deep dive into small business ownership. The store is called Bookish Notions and I‘m working to secure a storefront in southeastern PA! I‘m looking at Ambler at the moment. ⬇️

Crazeedi How exciting ! What a dream come true, best wishes!! 1mo
AmyG Wishing you much success! How exciting! 1mo
LiteraryinLawrence Of course, when my website and brick-and-mortar store are up and running, I will let everyone know. But for now, I‘d love to hear from any greater Philly suburbs Littens who have opinions about location! I had looked at West Chester and Media but they recently have both gotten bookstores. I‘m curious about Kennett Square and Ambler now. Or another vibrant Main Street looking for a progressive indie bookstore! 1mo
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Jas16 Amazing! I am so excited for you! 1mo
Amor4Libros Congrats, wish you all the best!!! ❤️❤️ 1mo
kspenmoll Congratulations & good wishes! Do let us know when you are up and running I would love to support you by ordering a book via mail to Connecticut. 1mo
RaeLovesToRead Amazing!!!!! 1mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick That's amazing! Congratulations on the new adventure. I'm near Newark, NJ, so hopefully, my travels will put me in the area once you're open. 1mo
Ruthiella Fantastic! 😃 1mo
Librarybelle That‘s amazing! Congratulations! 1mo
Bookwormjillk Wow! Congratulations 🍾 Please let us know when you have the final location. 1mo
Jess I‘m so happy for you and wish you great luck in finding the perfect location. As a fellow NJ resident (live in Jackson and work in Trenton), I will definitely be seeking you out when you open so let us know where you land. 1mo
LeahBergen Congratulations!! 👏👏 1mo
Amiable What a wonderful second career! I can‘t wait to hear all about it! 1mo
Cuilin Dreams do come true. Congratulations 🎉 1mo
merelybookish Amazing! Congrats to you! 1mo
KathyWheeler Oh my gosh! That‘s fantastic. Congratulations and good luck. 1mo
LeeRHarry Congratulations 🎉 1mo
BarkingMadRead How exciting!! I opened a book stall at a vendor market in December, but it‘s nothing like this! So cool!! 1mo
Laughterhp Love this! Congrats and good luck! 1mo
BookmarkTavern Congrats! 🎉🎉🎉 1mo
dabbe Congrats! 🤩🤩🤩 1mo
Tamra Woot!! 👏🏾👏🏾 1mo
Susanita Very cool! 1mo
Kristy_K This is awesome!! Can‘t wait to see pics and a visit the online store! 1mo
BarbaraBB That‘s fantastic! Keep us posted! 1mo
squirrelbrain How exciting! Looking forward to hearing more about it. 1mo
julesG Fantastic news! 1mo
zezeki That's amazing!! 1mo
staci.reads Oh wow! That's fantastic! 1mo
Chelsea.Poole So very exciting! I look forward to seeing posts about your new store! 1mo
TheSpineView Awesome! Best of luck! 1mo
Aimeesue How exciting! Best of luck to you and the new bookstore! 1mo
steph_phanie How exciting! Congratulations! 1mo
MaureenMc Congratulations! 🎉 1mo
mrp27 Congratulations!! 1mo
Billypar Congrats! And that's a great location - I haven't spent much time in Ambler specifically, but I grew up just a couple of towns over. My mom still lives nearby so I will definitely check it out if you go with that location. 1mo
Billypar Oh and to your question about other potential locations, North Wales has a small downtown - North Main St. between Walnut and Church Street - with a lot of cute shops where a bookstore would seem to fit. But it is very small, and I remember a record store there had to close, so Ambler might be better honestly. 1mo
TieDyeDude Awesome! I look forward to visiting next time I visit home. 1mo
bthegood congratulations - how exciting!! 🙂 1mo
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It had been years since I last read or watched this play, and I wanted to revisit it after reading Tom Lake. I‘m glad I did! There‘s a lot to make you think no matter what age you go back to it. 💗 Personally I was happy to have read Tom Lake first but I think if you‘re not at all familiar with Our Town you‘ll want to read the play first.

ChaoticMissAdventures I have been meaning to read this after Tom Lake! Thanks for the reminder 2mo
dabbe I did it exactly the same way you did! I loved revisiting OUR TOWN, too. 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
willaful Oh, I didn't know there was a connection. 2mo
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Tom Lake: A Novel | Ann Patchett
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So beautiful in its seemingly simple premise: a mom telling her 3 grown daughters a story of her youth while they‘re all home at the family farm during the pandemic. I loved it so much. A bookseller put this in my hands and I‘m glad she did! 💗

CogsOfEncouragement I understand there are references to Our Town, so I‘m reading that before this one. I really enjoyed The Dutch House and look forward to more of her books. 3mo
LiteraryinLawrence @CogsOfEncouragement I just borrowed Our Town from the library for that exact reason! I think reading it beforehand is smart. 3mo
CogsOfEncouragement Our Town is a very quick read. Enjoy! 3mo
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The Secret History | Donna Tartt
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It took me a good while to get through, but I‘m glad I read this book. It seems like it‘s the origin of dark academia as a genre, and I‘ve wanted to read it for a long time. The prose is rich and the story of a group of Classics students at college is both bizarre and mundane. It reminded me of Brideshead Revisited even though this was written in the 1990s, with its intense secretive friendships, sibling relationships, class differences, etc.

ChaoticMissAdventures I really enjoyed this one too. I know some think Tartt is pretentious but I love her moody vibe. I am trying to get to her other 2 novels this year. 3mo
jewright Have you read The Goldfinch? It‘s my favorite by Donna Tartt. 3mo
Bec_lectic I‘ve been wanting to read this for some time..I loved the Goldfinch but look forward to checking this one out! 3mo
Suet624 I‘m annoyed I still haven‘t read it. 1mo
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Darling Girls: A Novel | Sally Hepworth
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I‘m excited for my April #botm box! I got the new Sally Hepworth (I always really like her books) and added Familia with my birthday month credit! Now I just need to prioritize reading a bit more on a daily basis. 💗

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This started out slow for me- I‘m not used to reading non-fiction- but quickly held my attention. The anonymous author lays out a very cogent and well-substantiated argument for how the British justice system is broken, using examples from his time as a barrister. It‘s scary and convincing.

Leftcoastzen 👏😻 4mo
Jari-chan 😸❤️😸 4mo
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Watching You | Lisa Jewell
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Ooooh, really good! This was a big cut above your average thriller. Things are not what they seem and I was completely absorbed in figuring out the truth about this small group of neighbors. I‘ve read a few books by Lisa Jewell but this is my new favorite!

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Idlewild | James Frankie Thomas
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This was so much more than I expected it to be. It was a really immersive, absorbing look at the intertwining lives of a group of theater kids at a Manhattan Quaker high school in 2001-2002. Strong themes of queerness in many forms, sex, art, love, friendship, obsession, control, and more. I recommend it!

BarbaraBB Totally agree! 4mo
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Amazing Grace Adams | Fran Littlewood
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Oof. This book was a gut punch. I‘m glad I read it, but I don‘t see the humor that other reviews seemed to talk about. It was about the unraveling of a woman in her 40s- her body, her marriage, her relationship with her daughter. I found it hard to read at times and wish I had borrowed it from the library rather than buying it.

Sharpeipup Just started it and this sums up my feelings too. 4mo
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The Body in Question | Jill Ciment
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I read this book based on the reviews of @Soubhiville and @AvidReader25 who picked it up based on Ann Patchett‘s recommendation. 😋 It was very absorbing. The catalyst is a court case but it‘s about the lives of the jurors during and after the trial. Very interesting book that packs a lot of emotions about grief and desire within a short page count.

AvidReader25 I was surprised by how invested I felt in the main character‘s grief by the end. It‘s such a quick read! 4mo
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While visiting some family in Westchester, NY I went to Split Rock Books in Cold Springs. What a great shop! They were really nice and gave me some book suggestions, including these 2. Tom Lake was on my radar already (from #auldlangspine) but I hadn‘t been focused on The Berry Pickers. I‘m excited to try it!

tpixie The cover is gorgeous! 🫐 Blueberries 🫐 4mo
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Stars in Their Eyes | Jessica Walton, Aska Aska
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This got me out of my reading slump and then I turned back to the beginning and read it again. Detailed expressive panels and a story about a queer disabled teen attending her first comic convention with her supportive, geeky mom. I loved it all! I get the sense this was published first in Australia and just came out in the US? It was on display at my indie bookstore as having won an ALA award (Stonewall) this year.

willaful Grrr... dashed to my library to find this for my daughter and they have it on order but only in digital. 4mo
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The Fury | Alex Michaelides
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I still say that The Silent Patient is his best book by far, but I liked this one well enough. The narration style was fun, with the narrator talking directly to the reader a lot and teasing with other murder mystery references. And the cast of characters held my interest. It was a solid mystery with a vivid setting on a Greek island. #botm

Zoe‘s eye matches the one on the cover! 😋 That was a happy coincidence.

Ruthiella 😻😻😻 5mo
RaeLovesToRead ZOMG this photo is so cute! 5mo
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Leftcoastzen So cute!👏😻 5mo
wanderer15 Hi Zoe! I'm back on Litsy! 5mo
Gissy 😻❤️❤️❤️ 5mo
AvidReader25 I‘m traveling to Greece this year so I can‘t wait to read this one! 4mo
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The Reading List: A Novel | Sara Nisha Adams
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This book started off slow for me and I felt there were too many random characters throughout. BUT that said, it was really heartwarming and sweet too. My family read this together as a mark up book, and I loved seeing my parents‘ comments written throughout! It was so cute to see their reactions to the story. 💗💗

willaful What a fun idea! I wish I could try it but I know my daughter would feel put on the spot and freeze. :-( 5mo
BennettBookworm Me next, me next! 5mo
mabell I love this! ❤️ 5mo
Cupcake12 I really liked this book too x 5mo
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Untitled | Anonymous
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I was eagerly anticipating the BOTM announcement, but when it came I was disappointed. None of the main books jumped out at me this time, though there are several add-ons that I like. But it‘s ok! I‘m going to lean into the books already on my shelves this month (including some #botm backlog!). 💗 I‘m still excited to see what everyone chose!

cariashley I think I‘m skipping too. Nothing jumping out at me! 5mo
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Thanks for the #AuldLangSpine recommendation @Librarybelle ! I‘m glad I read this one. I started by listening to it on audio and really didn‘t like the narrators, but it was better when I switched to print. This felt like somewhere between a cozy and a mystery to me, and while parts of the plot seemed rushed or glossed over, I liked the characters and the baking competition. I had fun reading it!

Librarybelle Glad it was a pick! I‘m loving Legends & Lattes so far - so not my typical genre, but it‘s delightful! I had to turn it into the library but got it back as an ebook, so I plan to finish it up soon! I also have several other titles from your list checked out from the library, so will be continuing the list into next month. 😁 5mo
Crazeedi I did enjoy this one 5mo
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Sign Here | Claudia Lux
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I finished this book last night after flying through the last hundred pages, and I‘m still processing it. My overall impression was that it was sooo creative and playful and just clever, and I was absorbed completely. I also have this nagging feeling that I missed something? Like if you asked me to explain the upshot, I would struggle? I‘m inclined to blame myself for that since I started and stopped more than I usually do. So it‘s a clear pick!

Jari-chan Your cat's glare is hilarious 😂 5mo
BennettBookworm I‘m so so so glad you liked it so much.. and yes I agreed, the ending is definitely one that needs to be discussed afterward! 5mo
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I finished another #AuldLangSpine rec from @Librarybelle and it was superb! I‘m not that into music but through the lens of this pseudo memoir I felt like I was. Opal and Sunny really felt like 3 dimensional people and we got to know them over many years. The racism and other societal problems at the heart of the book were portrayed vividly. I liked the writing style. Overall, I can see why this was on a lot of people‘s lists from last year!

Librarybelle Yay!! So glad you liked it! I‘m hoping to read Legends and Lattes later this week before I have to return it at the library! 6mo
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This book felt like a hug for my brain. All the praise I‘d heard was true for this simple but deeply resonant tale of a tea monk and a robot. I borrowed this from the library but definitely want to buy it for myself. Some of the passages just really spoke to me, you know?

LiteraryinLawrence @BennettBookworm Thanks for the recommendation way back when! 6mo
Leftcoastzen 👏🐈‍⬛ 6mo
Ruthiella Yes. Becky Chambers also has that effect with me. ❤️ 6mo
BennettBookworm Yayyy! All the hugs 6mo
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Work closed a bit early and they‘ve already announced a late opening due to weather, so I‘m cozied up and ready to read! 💗💗

Soubhiville Yes, perfect read for cozy time! 6mo
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Time to Roll | Jamie Sumner
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It was fun being back with these characters again! I really like Ellie, our protagonist, and her old and new friends. Her estranged dad and his new family play a nice part in this story too. I definitely recommend this series to middle grade readers!

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Three Holidays and a Wedding | Marissa Stapley, Uzma Jalaluddin
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Lots of love for this touching and fun multi-holiday story. I totally recommend it! The complex family relationships, the new friendship between the two women, and the budding romances were all believable and richly portrayed. Above all, I wish this town existed in real life because it seems perfect! 💗

This is a spot-on suggestion from my #auldlangspine partner @Librarybelle and there are more lined up next! @monalyisha

Librarybelle I wish the town existed in real life too! So glad you liked this!! 6mo
monalyisha Love all these #AuldLangSpine wins! 🙌🏻🥳✨ 6mo
Julsmarshall I loved this so much too! 6mo
janeycanuck @LiteraryinLawrence @Librarybelle It‘s based on Almonte in Ontario. A bunch of Christmas movies have been filmed there. 6mo
Librarybelle @janeycanuck Good to know!! 6mo
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What a great first book of 2024! 💗💗💗💗💗 I love the Heartstopper universe and in my opinion it keeps getting better and better. Lots of ways that Nick and Charlie grow in this volume and the friends and family have important roles too. Oseman says that volume 6 will conclude the series (maybe that‘s common knowledge but it was news to me?) and it‘ll be sad to see it end!

Cupcake12 Totally agree! Have you seen the series on Netflix? 6mo
LiteraryinLawrence A couple episodes back when it started. I should go back and watch it all! 6mo
Garabrandtreviews I love the series! 6mo
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DebinHawaii Hoping my library hold on this one comes in soon! 💛 6mo
tpixie Are you from Lawrence, Kansas by any chance? (edited) 6mo
LiteraryinLawrence @tpixie Nope, I live in Lawrence, NJ! 6mo
tpixie @LiteraryinLawrence ha! A little further away than KS! 6mo
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The Reading List: A Novel | Sara Nisha Adams
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The tagged book serves a double purpose here: it‘s a book I‘ve had on my own shelves for a while AND it summarizes this post! I love @Jas16 ‘s idea to do a #24in2024 challenge and I‘ve identified my books. I only included books I still genuinely want to read, and I‘m excited to get started!

Jas16 So many books I loved! Hamnet! The Sentence! Great list. 6mo
tpixie Great choices! I loved Hamnet & really enjoyed The Other Black 6mo
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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I had a great reading month in December, scoring 4 bingos for #bookspinbingo by reading 17 books and bailing on 3. Two weeks of break will do that! Some favorites were Bookshops and Bonedust, The Christmas Appeal, and Hello Beautiful.

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Fabulous month!!! 6mo
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