Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Season 9, Vol.1 | Angel & Faith: Season 9, Vol. 1 🌑🗡️ trying to snatch up as many of these as possible before they go out of print, even if that means buying them out of order; I waited too long. 😔
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Season 9, Vol.1 | Angel & Faith: Season 9, Vol. 1 🌑🗡️ trying to snatch up as many of these as possible before they go out of print, even if that means buying them out of order; I waited too long. 😔
These are unavoidable, even in jobs we love and feel proud to have; these are natural, even if you‘ve found your calling. It‘s when those meaningless moments pile and mount, the meaningless moments that chew at your soul, that creep into the crevices of your brain and holler at you until ignoring them is not an option. Deadening moments that lead to the hard questions, the ones that swirl, in the broadest sense, around time and dying.
Is it considered more hospitable to discover your guests‘ preferences, their likes and dislikes? Is it rude to deny your guests choice and control over their experience? I don‘t know, but I forever want to arrive somewhere hungry and thirsty and tired and be taken care of as Iannis took care of us.
In college, I had met the Southern writer Jo Carson and she said, “Be careful what you get good at doin‘ ‘cause you‘ll be doin‘ it for the rest of your life.”
It was kind of tremendous timing to hit adolescence just as the family was disintegrating. It's not too bad to live out your Pippi Longstocking fantasy right when you most seek independence from your parents and are practicing it so ardently.