Started this last night and it's sucked me right in. Can't wait to see the author at the end of the month.
Started this last night and it's sucked me right in. Can't wait to see the author at the end of the month.
Local indie bookstore didn't have this in last week due to delay in shipping. Thanks Hurricane Harvey! Fortunately, my local library did have their copies in and I was number 9 on the list. Thanks Fort Bend County Library System. Craig Johnson will be here in Houston at Murder by the Books tomorrow evening. Yay!
I'm finally making real progress on this book! I've read some big books this year, but this is my official Big Read 2017. I'm on track to finish it this month. I hope by next week. Most of the whaling goes over my head. I do love the humor in this book. It just sneaks up on you sometimes.
So this last night and it was wonderful.
I have a love hate relationship with this series. It mainly stems from how women are portrayed, but when Parker wrote a great woman, he did it so well. Too bad there aren't many in the series. I don't count Susan as one of the great ones, except early in the series. Once she went off the rails, she came back as a caricature/totally impossible to be real type. *Sigh* Hawk brings me back.
Just finished the second book in The Wayfarers series by Becky Chambers. This book is really thought provoking, but it was subtle about its message. I recommend this series if you like Space Opera. If you're unsure about Space Opera this series is a great introduction. There is only 2 books and they are well done.
What a great evening listening to Siddhartha Mukjerjee! Picked up signed copies of The Gene and Emperor of All Maladies. Love my local independent bookstore, Brazos Bookstore. They sponsor some amazing events. #authortalks
An evening with Siddhartha Mukjerjee about to start! Can't wait to hear him speak.
Started this audio yesterday. Quite strange in a good way.
Just started this biography of Shirley Jackson.
Sad to say that this book still reminds me of way too much that is still going on today. We may not have segregation on the law books anymore but racism is still alive and well in 2017. What struck me the most were the passages that quoted racists calling themselves super patriots and Christians when defending their practices.