Pocket Sponsor: 24/7 Back to the Basics Support for Addiction Recovery | Old-timers in AA
The Pocket Sponsor is a new Concept in Meditation books. It was put together by those who put together Day by Day: Daily Meditations for Recovering Addicts and from it comes a truly new look at the old standby. It's a meditation book, but not a daily meditation book that is currently so popular. This is a 24/7 support book. It is a brief, to the point, no bull book that gives 12 Step support on a 24/7 basis. It has a reflection and affirmation statement for every hour of the day for 31 days. Carry your Pocket Sponsor with from dawn to dusk so you you always have your support handy. Meant for the HALT moments these meditations are taken from the old-timers in AA and NA. It's what they taught us and is handed down to you in a easy to use form. In fact, its probably what your sponsor would tell you, if they were there with you when you pick it up.