Im so spoiled my hubby bought me more books they where supposed to be here for Valentine‘s Day but we had some bad weather that slowed the delivery that‘s ok he‘s awesome 🥰
After finishing book 1, I resisted buying the rest of the series, telling myself just to get the next one because. After finishing Mindline... Well, I now own the rest of The Dreamhealers Saga.
I don't know how she did it but a horrific illegal and fatal drug epidemic was made into a wholesome way for the two MCs to strengthen their mind bond.
First purchase of 2022! This has been on my wishlist for ages, but it‘s expensive and it‘s the only early book in the series that‘s not in any subscription services. (Classic indie marketing technique, that.) Luckily, Kobo gave me a 50% off coupon just as I finished the last book on my library stack, so I was able to save a chunk of money AND do the get-book-read-book thing.
Just as good as Mindtouch. Our understanding of the characters, and their understanding of each other, deepens; more info on the way this universe works, too. Love it.